[en] The identification of relevant clinical outcomes of sarcopenia could be helpful for health professionals to improve sarcopenia management and for designing valid and useful clinical trials and outcome studies. Through observational studies, a flow of outcomes associated with sarcopenia has already been identified.1–4 However, to ensure that the outcomes measured reflect those that matter most to patients, incorporation of the patients' perspective in clinical research is also critical.5,6 Qualitative interviews with experts and patients are a wise way to generate original outcomes not usually observed in studies designed with large cohorts of patients.
Disciplines :
Public health, health care sciences & services General & internal medicine
Author, co-author :
Beaudart, Charlotte ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences de la santé publique > Santé publique, Epidémiologie et Economie de la santé
Bruyère, Olivier ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences de la santé publique > Santé publique, Epidémiologie et Economie de la santé
Cruz-Jentoft, A.J.
Vaquero-Pinto, M.N.
Locquet, Médéa ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences de la santé publique > Epidémiologie clinique
Bauer, J.
Cooper, C.
Rolland, Y.
Dupuy, C.
Landi, F.
Reginster, Jean-Yves ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences de la santé publique > Santé publique, Epidémiologie et Economie de la santé
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Hiligsmann, M., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., et al. Outcomes priorities for older persons with sarcopenia. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 2019 [In Press].
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