External report (Reports)
Performance measurement in Smart Cities: an introductory report
Lebas, Audrey; Crutzen, Nathalie


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2019 - Performance Measurement in Smart Cities - Rapport.pdf
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Keywords :
smart city; evaluation; performance measurement
Abstract :
[en] ong the different debates surrounding Smart Cities, the topic of performance measurement has gained momentum. Several authors (e.g. Giffinger, 2007) and projects (e.g. CityKeys1) have provided frameworks for municipalities to measure and monitor their Smart City performance. While these frameworks are useful and interesting, they often measure the performance of a city with an outside-in approach. This implies that performance is often measured based on pre-defined sets of indicators, which is an asset for comparing territories. In this report, we focus on a more managerial approach – also called an inside-out approach. We aim to guide municipalities to define their own performance measurement system that will allow them to improve their objectives and processes. Hence, we hereby propose an integrative model that is directly derived from the territory’s specificities. The model is constructed using an inductive approach built upon the existing literature on business performance management, public performance management and Smart City performance measurement & management. Note that, given the complexity of performance measurement, this report is only an introductory document. Therefore, the content is not exhaustive and will be completed in future publications from the Smart City Institute.
Research Center/Unit :
Smart City Institute
Disciplines :
Special economic topics (health, labor, transportation...)
Author, co-author :
Lebas, Audrey  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > HEC Liège : UER > UER Management : Sustainable Strategy
Crutzen, Nathalie  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > HEC Liège : UER > UER Management : Sustainable Strategy
Language :
Title :
Performance measurement in Smart Cities: an introductory report
Publication date :
19 November 2019
Publisher :
Smart City Institute, Liège, Belgium
Available on ORBi :
since 14 November 2019


Number of views
613 (53 by ULiège)
Number of downloads
498 (26 by ULiège)


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