[en] Unlike diazepam, lorazepam has repeatedly been shown to impair perceptual priming as well as explicit memory. To determine whether this deleterious effect was due to an impairment in acquisition of information, 60 healthy volunteers were randomly assigned to five treatment groups (placebo, lorazepam 0.026 or 0.038 mg/kg, diazepam 0.2 or 0.3 mg/kg) and successively performed perceptual priming tasks and a free-recall task. Priming performance on information learned before or 2 h after drug administration, i.e. at the peak concentration of lorazepam, was assessed under the influence of the drugs, using a picture-fragment and a word-stem completion task. Free-recall performance was altered by both drugs. Lorazepam decreased priming performance when information was acquired after, but not before, drug administration, indicating that the drug alters the acquisition of information. Lorazepam also impaired the ability to identify fragmented pictures, but there was no evidence that this perceptual effect accounts for the priming impairment. Surprisingly, diazepam also decreased priming when information was acquired after drug administration, suggesting that, at least in certain circumstances, the two benzodiazepines may exert similar effects on priming measures.
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