Djomo, S. N.; Hasselt University, Faculty of Business Economics, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Martelarenlaan 42, Hasselt, 3500, Belgium, Aarhus University, Department of Agroecology, Blichers Alle 20, P.O. Box 50, Tjele, DK-8830, Denmark
Azadi, H.; Hasselt University, Faculty of Business Economics, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Martelarenlaan 42, Hasselt, 3500, Belgium
May, K.; KU Leuven–EnergyVille, Department of Electrical Engineering, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Leuven, 3000, Belgium
De Vos, K.; KU Leuven–EnergyVille, Department of Electrical Engineering, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Leuven, 3000, Belgium
Van Passel, S.; Hasselt University, Faculty of Business Economics, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Martelarenlaan 42, Hasselt, 3500, Belgium, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Applied Economics, Department of Engineering Management, Prinsstraat 13, Antwerp, B-2000, Belgium
Witters, N.; Hasselt University, Faculty of Business Economics, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Martelarenlaan 42, Hasselt, 3500, Belgium
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A systematic review of environmental and economic impacts of smart grids
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