Anorexie mentale et trouble du comportement alimentaire selon une perspective phénoménologique : Version francophone du questionnaire IDentity and EAting disorders (IDEA)
[fr] Objectif : cet article présente la version francophone du questionnaire d’inspiration phénoménologique Identity and Eating Disorders (IDEA) (Stanghellini et al., 2012). La littérature d’inspiration phénoménologique met en évidence que les personnes souffrant d’anorexie mentale présentent des perturbations au niveau de l’incarnation et de l’intersubjectivité. Cette recherche évalue les expériences corporelles subjectives de participantes anorexiques grâce au concept du corps-pour-autrui proposé par J.-P. Sartre (1943).
Hypothèse : les patientes anorexiques se définissent davantage à travers le regard des autres et tendent à moins ressentir leur corps de manière sensorielle.
Méthode : 67 patientes anorexiques et 246 participantes contrôles ont répondu à la version francophone, traduite par nos soins, du questionnaire IDentity and EAting disorders. Des tests non paramétriques de Mann-Whitney pour échantillons indépendants ont été effectués.
Conclusion : les résultats statistiques confirment l’hypothèse de recherche : les patientes anorexiques obtiennent des scores au questionnaire significativement supérieurs à ceux des participantes contrôles. Ces résultats confirment des difficultés au niveau de l’incarnation et de l’intersubjectivité chez les sujets anorexiques et annoncent des perspectives de recherche importantes. [en] Objective: the aim of this article is to test the French-speaking version of the IDentity and EAting disorders questionnaire (IDEA) (Stanghellini et al., 2012). From a phenomenological perspective, anorexic patients seem to experience difficulties regarding the subjective feeling of their own body (embodiment) and their personal identity, which leads to an inter-subjectivity impairment within social interactions. Following these findings, this study investigated the “lived-body-for-others” concept (Sartre, 1943) in a sample of anorexic female patients. These patients were expected to define themselves mostly through the eyes of others instead of from their own perspective: their Leib (i.e. lived-body) was hypothesized to be more vulnerable than their Körper (i.e. body object).
Hypothesis: The main hypothesis assumed that anorexic patients would define themselves mostly through the eyes of others and would tend to experience less bodily sensations than control participants. Significant higher scores for these dimensions in the clinical group compared to the control group were expected.
Method: this study included 67 anorexic female patients based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV criteria and 246 control female participants. All the participants were French speakers from Belgium, France and Switzerland. Participants had to complete two self-reported questionnaires: The Eating Disorder Inventory 2 (EDI-2) (French version) to evaluate eating disorders and the IDEA (French version translated and adapted by us) to assess the “lived-body-for-others” concept. Mann-Whitney non-parametric tests were used to compare the results of the clinical and the control groups.
Conclusion: the outcomes confirmed our hypothesis: anorexic female patients had significantly higher scores compared to the control group concerning both of the questionnaires: EDI-2 and IDEA. Anorexic female patients seemed to have difficulties concerning the way they experience their own body, their personal identity and the perception of other’s gaze. The IDEA is a tool that has been elaborated for the assessment of these issues. It enriches the knowledge relative to the body-self relationship and the first-person perspective, which is essential for a phenomenological approach. However, it still requires further research to be validated and used in clinical practice.
Disciplines :
Psychiatry Treatment & clinical psychology
Author, co-author :
Englebert, Jérôme ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de Psychologie
Minguet, Eugénie
Helinski, Adam
DOMINE, Françoise ; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > Département de Pédiatrie > Service de pédiatrie
Gebhard, Sandra
Zdrojewski, Catherine
Castellini, Giovanni
Ricca, Valdo
Mancini, Milena
Stiefel, Friedrich
Stanghellini, Giovanni
Blavier, Adelaïde ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de Psychologie > Psycho-traumatisme
Language :
Title :
Anorexie mentale et trouble du comportement alimentaire selon une perspective phénoménologique : Version francophone du questionnaire IDentity and EAting disorders (IDEA)
Alternative titles :
[en] Anorexia nervosa and eating disorders from a phenomenological perspective: French-speaking version of the IDentity and EAting disorders (IDEA) questionnaire [en] Anorexia nervosa and eating disorders from a phenomenological perspective: A French version of the IDentity and EAting disorders (IDEA) questionnaire
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