Heavy metals; Milk; Spatial distribution; Variability
Abstract :
[en] This large scale study investigated the spatial variability of Pb, As, and Cd contents in raw milk within and between the 10 main milk producing areas in China. A total of 997 raw milk samples were analysed by inductively coupled plasmamass spectrometry (ICP-MS).Mean values of Pb, As, and Cd inmilkwere 1.75 μg/L, 0.31 μg/L, and 0.05 μg/L, respectively. The highest level of Pb and Aswas present in area C, and Cdwas highest in area J. The standard deviation suggested a higher heterogeneity of milk heavy metal contamination within area than between areas. Levels of Pb, As, and Cd showed significant differences between studied areas. The estimated root mean squared standardised error obtained by the cross-validation suggested a differentiated quality of Pb, As, and Cd modelling between areas: the predictions obtainedwere sometimes overestimated or underestimated. These results can be used to define a more appropriate sampling procedure for heavy metal contaminate distribution in rawmilk for improved future control ofmilk contamination by heavymetals in the studied areas. The significant positive correlations between concentrations of Pb-Cd, As-Cd, and Pb-As were observed in nine, six and five areas, respectively. No significant negative correlations were observed. The observed variability of correlation values suggested a different pollution source for Pb, As, and Cd in milk between areas. Further studies are required
to clarify the relationships between the contamination of raw milk by heavy metals and the herd
Project of Risk Assessment on Raw Milk (GJFP2017008) Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest (201403071) National Dairy Industry and Technology System (CARS-36) Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program (ASTIP-IAS12)
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