[en] The aim of the following experiment was to estimate transgenerational epigenetic variance for egg quality traits using genealogical and phenotypic information in meat-type quail. Measured traits included egg length (EL) and width (EWD), albumen weight (AW), shell weight (SW), yolk weight (YW) and egg weight (EW).A total of 391 birds were evaluated for egg quality by collecting a sample of one egg per bird, during three consecutive days, starting on the 14th d of production. Analyses were performed using mixed models including the random epigenetic effect. Variance components were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood method. A grid-search for values for the auto-recursive parameter (λ) was used in the variance components estimation. This parameter is directly related to the reset (v) and epigenetic transmissibility (1 − v) coefficients. The epigenetic effect was not significant for any of the egg quality traits evaluated. Direct heritability estimates for egg quality traits ranged in magnitude from 0.06 to 0.33, whereby the higher estimates were found for AW and SW. Epigenetic heritability estimates were low and close to zero (ranging from 0.00 to 0.07) for all evaluated traits. The current breeding strategies accounting for additive genetic effect seem to be suitable for egg quality traits in meat-type quail
Disciplines :
Animal production & animal husbandry
Author, co-author :
De Paiva, José Teodoro ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Agronomie, Bio-ingénierie et Chimie (AgroBioChem) > Ingénierie des productions animales et nutrition
Vilela de Resende, Marcos Deon
Tassinari Resende, Rafael
Rojas de Oliveira, Hinayah
Texeira Silva, Hugo
Caetano, Giovani da Costa
Calderano, Arele Arlindo
Sávio Lopes, Paulo
Language :
Title :
A note on transgenerational epigenetics affecting egg quality traits in meat-type quail
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