[en] Objectives: The aim of our research was to examine the association between impulsivity,
alexithymia and depression and the perpetration of physical and psychological intimate
partner violence. We focused on these particular psychological characteristics in order to
understand this phenomenon and its prevention and/or treatment. Our initial study of fifty-six
male perpetrators showed domestic violence was associated with a high level of alexithymia
and depression. Analyses showed they reported more depressive feelings, and more
difficulties to express their emotions than did general population. To determine if reductions
were noted about these psychological characteristics at the end of intervention program, the
present study examined longitudinal data. Patients and Methods: Twenty-four male offenders
(voluntary or judicialized) were surveyed using self-report questionnaires and structured
clinical interview to collect sociodemographic data and to assess specific psychological
variables, namely emotional distress (Beck Depression Inventory), impulsive behavior
(Barratt Impulsivity Scale 11) and alexithymia (Toronto Alexithymia Scale 20), the inability
to experience and express subjective emotions. These men were examined before the start of
therapeutic program (T1) and at the end of it (T2), after 42 hours of psychological support.
Results: Findings showed both alexithymia and depression were reduced after therapeutic
management. Analyses showed male intimate partner violence offenders reported less
difficulty to express their emotions and less depressive feelings at the end of their intervention
program. However, we only observe a significant result for alexithymia and its dimension
“difficulties identifying feelings”. Impulsivity, on the other side, remains unchanged between
the two evaluation times for all participants after the therapeutic program. Conclusion: Our
findings suggested a strong link between alexithymia and domestic violence and showed the
positive effect of specific therapeutic interventions on alexithymia and depression. We
pointed out the fact that with the decrease of alexithymia, participants may have a better
awareness of themselves and of their behavior. In conclusion, it is encouraging to note that
specific treatment programs increase awareness about the problem of intimate partner
violence. [fr] L’objectif de cette recherche est d’évaluer les changements intrapsychiques d’hommes
auteurs de violences conjugales apportés par une prise en charge encadrée par des
professionnels. La méthodologie repose sur l’administration de questionnaires relatifs à 3
caractéristiques du fonctionnement psychologique de l’individu (alexithymie, dépression et
impulsivité) avant le début de la thérapie en groupe de responsabilisation (T1), et à son terme
(T2). Des 56 hommes ayant participé au T1, 24 ont accepté de finaliser le protocole de
recherche. Les résultats indiquent une diminution de l’alexithymie et de la dépression au sein
de l’échantillon. L’impulsivité reste, quant à elle, stable dans le temps. Il semble donc
nécessaire d’accompagner les auteurs de violence à développer leur capacité à se représenter
leurs états émotionnels ainsi que de les comprendre pour les aider à mieux réguler leur
Disciplines :
Treatment & clinical psychology
Author, co-author :
Di Piazza, Laetitia ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de Psychologie > Psycho-traumatisme
Kowal, Cécile; Asbl Praxis
Hodiaumont, Fabienne; Asbl Praxis
Léveillée, Suzanne; Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières > Psychologie
Vignola-Levesque, Carolanne; Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières > Psychologie
Ayotte, Robert; Accord Mauricie Inc.
Blavier, Adelaïde ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de Psychologie > Psycho-traumatisme
Language :
Title :
Le changement psychologique d'hommes auteurs de violences conjugales après leur thérapie en groupe de responsabilisation
Alternative titles :
[en] Intervention programs for perpetrators of intimate partner violence: Analysis of psychological characteristics change of men who consult for their violence.
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