Bioeconomy; CO2 economy; sustainable-energy transition; systems view; world population; population growth; vegan; food security; global balances
Abstract :
[en] To obtain a consistent view of sustainable future development, scenarios based on global balances have been derived. The world population may grow significantly faster than generally expected by many studies with up to 11.6 billion people in 2050. The climate goal of 1.5 °C can realistically not be reached any more and it is shown why it has been so difficult to realize that strong action would have been required years ago. Without change in behavior, a strong competition for land area will develop, mainly driven by human fertility and a large fraction of animal‐based food. While CO2‐based economy does not compete with food production for agricultural land area, its economic feasibility still needs to be demonstrated. In a bio‐based economy, third‐generation biomass alone will not be able to supply enough feedstock to fulfill all demands. Thus, competition with food production for land area will be unavoidable. Besides economic and ecological aspects, also ethics need to be considered. A holistic view is essential for deriving effective policies and ethical guidelines, but it also needs to influence personal decisions.
Research Center/Unit :
Department of Chemical Engineering, PEPs - Products, Environment, and Processes
Disciplines :
Chemical engineering
Author, co-author :
Pfennig, Andreas ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Department of Chemical Engineering > PEPs - Products, Environment, and Processes
Language :
Title :
Sustainable Bio‐ or CO2 economy: Chances, Risks, and Systems Perspective (Accessed on September 26, 2018)
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