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Master’s dissertation (Dissertations and theses)
Optimisation des flux d'approvisionnement du quartier opératoire - analyse transversale
Lemaire, Anaïs


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Keywords :
Hospital; Logistic; Huy; Surgical Unit; Supply Chain Management
Abstract :
[en] This thesis aims to obtain the Supply Chain Management Master Degree of the University of Liège and Ghent. It is composed of an analysis of a management problem in an enterprise, the implementation of a solution and some recommendations. Centre Hospitalier Régional de Huy is the company studied. The goal of this region hospital is to give good quality health care to its patients. To do so, the hospital is being renovated. Among others, a new surgical unit has been built. The sales manager of the hospital wants the quality of stock and flow management in this new surgical unit to be improved. The general problem I was asked to answer is the optimization of the supply chain of the surgical units - transversal analysis. This management problem is studied by answering 6 questions. Firstly, a literature review is executed in order to know what is specific to a hospital: What are the managerial characteristics of hospitals and surgical units? Afterward, data collection and EOQ analyses are done to qualify the stock management of the surgical units of Huy: What is the demand of the hospital Huy and how should stocks be managed? Afterward, the layout and processes are identified and analysed through on field observations, As-is mapping and simulation analysis: What are the flows in the hospital and where are the inefficiencies? Then, other hospitals are benchmarked to know the best practices: How do other hospitals respond to this problem? After the broad analysis, there is the implementation phase. First there is the identification of possible improvements based on previous analyses, then a comparison based on KPI’s calculations: How can the supply chain be improved and what impacts does it have on performance? Afterward there is the operational implementation of the chosen solution and the results are measured based on data collection: What did I implement in the company and what are the results on the supply chain? Finally, some recommendations are given to the hospital to further improve its supply chain based on the broad analysis. This thesis has a contribution for the hospital of Huy because first of all it gives an in-depth analysis of main streams going to the surgical unit, practical recommendations for future improvements of the supply chain and especially savings each week due to the implementation of one of the proposed solutions (change of stock management method). This thesis also gives a benchmark of best practices in stocks and flow management among 6 hospitals in Wallonia.
Disciplines :
Production, distribution & supply chain management
Author, co-author :
Lemaire, Anaïs ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > HEC Liège : UER > UER Opérations : Logistique
Language :
Title :
Optimisation des flux d'approvisionnement du quartier opératoire - analyse transversale
Alternative titles :
[en] Optimisation of the supply chain of the surgical district - cross-sectional analysis
Defense date :
Number of pages :
Institution :
UGent - Universiteit Gent
ULiège - Université de Liège
Degree :
Master of Science in de toegepaste economische wetenshappen: handelsingenieur - afstudeerrichting operationeel management
Promotor :
Limbourg, Sabine  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > HEC Recherche > HEC Recherche: Business Analytics & Supply Chain Management
Jury member :
Aouam, Tarik
Amand, Guillaume
Ronveaux, Dominique
Commentary :
Mémoire projet - confidentiel
Available on ORBi :
since 02 May 2019


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