
Limbourg Sabine

HEC Liège : UER > UER Opérations : Logistique

HEC Liège Research: Business Analytics & Supply Chain Mgmt

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Schyns, Michael  (28)
Mostert, Martine  (26)
Tawfik, Christine Maher Fouad  (23)
Paquay, Célia  (19)
Caris, An (17)
Main Referenced Keywords
intermodal (10); terminals (8); transport (8); weight and balance (8); Brain-Trains (7);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
QuantOM (33)
HEC Recherche. Business Analytics & Supply Chain Management - ULiège (7)
Lepur : Centre de Recherche sur la Ville, le Territoire et le Milieu rural - ULiège (5)
LEMA - Local Environment Management and Analysis (3)
HEC Liège Research - ULiège (2)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Quantitative methods in economics & management (135)
Special economic topics (health, labor, transportation...) (36)
Production, distribution & supply chain management (8)
Civil engineering (5)
Business & economic sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (4)

Publications (total 186)

The most downloaded
Kleyntssens, T., Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (15 December 2011). Chargement d’un avion cargo : le cas des marchandises nécessitant des précautions particulières [Paper presentation]. 3è Colloque International "Systèmes Industriels et Logistiques" 2011, Casablanca, Morocco.

The most cited

210 citations (OpenAlex)

Lemaire, A., & Limbourg, S. (10 October 2019). How can food loss and waste management achieve sustainable development goals? Journal of Cleaner Production, 234, 1221-1234. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.06.226

Bebronne, E., & Limbourg, S. (31 January 2025). Optimising Dark Reserves for Biodiversity Conservation through Public Lighting Management [Paper presentation]. Joint ORBEL - NGB conference on Operations Research, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Renkin, C., & Limbourg, S. (31 January 2025). Optimizing Reverse Logistics for Waste Materials: A Multi-Stage Processing and Transportation Model [Paper presentation]. Joint Orbel-NGB conference on Operation Research, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Bebronne, E., & Limbourg, S. (22 October 2024). Balancing needs for darkness and light: A managerial perspective on nocturnal mobility and electricity provision [Paper presentation]. Internal Seminar - Universidad de Chile - Center for Mathematical Modelling (CMM) - CMM Networks, Santiago, Chile.

Bebronne, E., & Limbourg, S. (10 October 2024). Balancing Needs for Darkness & Light. A managerial perspective on the nocturnal environment [Paper presentation]. 5th International Conference on Night Studies (ICNS.LX), Lisbon, Portugal.

Bebronne, E., Heng, S., & Limbourg, S. (22 August 2024). Towards sustainable nocturnal environment management: a social-ecological-technical system analysis in Wallonia (Belgium). Discover Environment, 2 (98). doi:10.1007/s44274-024-00128-z
Peer reviewed

Achamrah, F. E., & Limbourg, S. (02 July 2024). Enhancing Efficiency and Sustainability through Reconfigurable Delivery Systems [Paper presentation]. 33rd European Conference on Operational Research, Copenhague, Denmark.

Achamrah, F. E., & Limbourg, S. (2023). Instances.

Bebronne, E., Limbourg, S., & Cools, M. (12 September 2023). Shedding light on the attitude and behaviour at night: Examining the relationship between public lighting and nocturnal mobility [Paper presentation]. OR65 The OR Society's Annual Conference, Bath, United Kingdom.

Limbourg, S., Achamrah, F. E., Baiwir, T., & Peters, F. (13 July 2023). Integrating logistics operations for sustainable last-mile deliveries with a consolidation-based assignment heuristic [Paper presentation]. IFORS 2023, Santiago, Chile.
Editorial reviewed

Baiwir, T., Peralta, B., Amaya, J., Bustos, G., & Limbourg, S. (25 May 2023). Leveraging government mobility data to design a charging station network in Santiago, Chile [Paper presentation]. ORBEL, Liege, Belgium.

Bebronne, E., Limbourg, S., & Cools, M. (25 May 2023). Shedding light on passenger modal choice: Examining the relationship between public lighting and nocturnal mobility [Paper presentation]. 37th annual conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society (ORBEL 37), Liège, Belgium.

Limbourg, S. (2023). Résoudre les enjeux logistiques : la voie vers l'efficacité opérationnelle.

Bebronne, E., Limbourg, S., & Pironet, T. (2023). En pleine crise énergétique, comment rendre l'éclairage public plus durable. Brussels, Belgium: La Libre Belgique.

Bebronne, E., Heng, S., & Limbourg, S. (2023). Annex - Actors of i* model: description.

Peters, F., & Limbourg, S. (16 November 2022). Modelling shared logistics resources in loosely coupled software architectures [Paper presentation]. Transport Research Arena, Lisonne, Portugal.

Bebronne, E., & Limbourg, S. (07 September 2022). Impact of public lighting on passengers’ modal choice for nocturnal transportation [Paper presentation]. Annual Conference of the Operations Research Society of Germany (OR2022), Karlsruhe, Germany.

Lihoussou, M., & Limbourg, S. (July 2022). Towards a sustainable production of maize and soybean in the department of Borgou. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, 4, 100039. doi:10.1016/j.clscn.2022.100039
Peer reviewed

Achamrah, F. E., Riane, F., Di Marinelly, C., & Limbourg, S. (2022). A Matheuristic for Solving Inventory Sharing Problems : A corrigendum to experimental results.

Achamrah, F. E., Riane, F., Sahin, E., & Limbourg, S. (11 May 2022). An Artificial-Immune-System-Based Algorithm Enhanced with Deep Reinforcement Learning for Solving Returnable Transport Item Problems. Sustainability, 14 (10), 5805. doi:10.3390/su14105805
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Achamrah, F. E., Baiwir, T., Bebronne, E., Limbourg, S., & Peters, F. (11 January 2022). Sustainable transportation for all and beyond [Paper presentation]. La journée thématique en durabilité, Liege, Belgium.

Achamrah, F. E., Riane, F., Di Martinelly, C., & Limbourg, S. (2022). A matheuristic for solving inventory sharing problems. Computers and Operations Research. doi:10.1016/j.cor.2021.105605
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Achamrah, F. E., Riane, F., & Limbourg, S. (2022). Spare parts inventory routing problem with transshipment and substitutions under stochastic demands. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 101, 309–331. doi:10.1016/j.apm.2021.08.029
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Limbourg, S., Peters, F., & Bassani, L. (2021). Vers une plateforme multi opérateurs pour optimiser les livraisons urbaines [Paper presentation]. Conférence Liège créative, Liège, Belgium.

Achamrah, F. E., Limbourg, S., & Riane, F. (21 October 2021). La mutualisation des ressources dans les supply chains [Paper presentation]. Cycle de Séminaires Ecole Centrale Casablanca, Casablanca, Morocco.

Fraselle, J., Limbourg, S., & Vidal, L. (22 August 2021). Cost and Environmental Impacts of a Mixed Fleet of Vehicles. Sustainability, 13 (9413). doi:10.3390/su13169413
Peer reviewed

Tawfik, C. M. F., Gendron, B., & Limbourg, S. (2021). An iterative two-stage heuristic algorithm for a bilevel service network design and pricing model. European Journal of Operational Research. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2021.07.052
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Vidal, L., & Limbourg, S. (12 July 2021). A bi-objective model for the collaborative pickup and delivery problem under time windows [Paper presentation]. Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2021), Athens, Greece.

Lihoussou, M., & Limbourg, S. (June 2021). Le retournement territorial au prisme de l'optimisation des chaines logistiques agricoles dans le département du Bourgou au Bénin : cas du maïs et du soja. Annales de l'Université de Parakou. Série Lettres Arts et Sciences Humaines, 4 (1), 59-74.
Peer reviewed

Limbourg, S. (17 March 2021). City logistics and smart delivery [Paper presentation]. AGCO seminar (Algorithms, Combinatorics, Game Theory and Optimization).

Achamrah, F. E., Riane, F., & Limbourg, S. (2021). Solving inventory routing with transshipment and substitution under dynamic and stochastic demands using genetic algorithm and deep reinforcement learning. International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1987549
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Pollaris, H., Janssens, G. K., Braekers, K., Caris, A., & Limbourg, S. (2021). The impact of axle weight constraints on the deployment of a mixed-fleet in vehicle routing decisions. IJTTE. International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 11 (3). doi:10.7708/ijtte2021.11(3).04
Peer reviewed

Achamrah, F. E., Riane, F., & Limbourg, S. (2021). DSIRP instances.

Bebronne, E., & Limbourg, S. (2020). Connection corridors to alleviate biodiversity loss: conception through mathematical optimisation [Paper presentation]. Lunch talk: UER Operations, Liège, Belgium.

Aguayo, C., Amaya, J., & Limbourg, S. (31 January 2020). Multi-echelon multi-product distribution network considering heterogeneous capacitated vehicles [Paper presentation]. 34th conference of ORBEL, the Belgian Operational Research (OR) Society, Lille, France.

Dhote, J., & Limbourg, S. (2020). Designing unmanned aerial vehicle networks for biological material transportation - The case of Brussels. Computers and Industrial Engineering. doi:10.1016/j.cie.2020.106652
Peer reviewed

Saint-Guillain, M., Paquay, C., & Limbourg, S. (2020). Time-Dependent Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem with Random Requests: Application to online police patrol management in Brussels. European Journal of Operational Research. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2020.11.007
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Tawfik, C. M. F., & Limbourg, S. (December 2019). Scenario-based analysis for intermodal transport in the context of service network design models. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2. doi:10.1016/j.trip.2019.100036
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Sabiri, A., Riane, F., & Limbourg, S. (2019). Effective Covering of Supplied Nanostores in Emerging Cities. In M. Fathi, M. Khakifirooz, ... P. Pardalos, Optimization in Large Scale Problems (pp. 329-340). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-28565-4_27
Peer reviewed

Lemaire, A., & Limbourg, S. (10 October 2019). How can food loss and waste management achieve sustainable development goals? Journal of Cleaner Production, 234, 1221-1234. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.06.226
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dhote, J., & Limbourg, S. (24 May 2019). Designing unmanned aerial vehicle networks for biological material transportation [Paper presentation]. Transport Research Days 2019, Gand, Belgium.

Limbourg, S. (2019). La logistique collaborative [Paper presentation]. Salon Logismed, Casablanca, Morocco.

Limbourg, S. (11 April 2019). Transport urbain innovant et durable & Expériences belges & Modèles de gestion de flux marchandise [Paper presentation]. La logistique collaborative, Casablanca, Morocco.

Lemaire, A., & Limbourg, S. (07 February 2019). How can Food Loss and Waste management achieve the Sustainable Development Goals? [Paper presentation]. ORBEL33, Hasselt, Belgium.

Merchan Arribas, A., Léonard, A., Limbourg, S., & Mostert, M. (February 2019). Life cycle externalities versus external costs: the case of inland freight transport in Belgium. Transportation Research. Part D, Transport and Environment, 67, 576-595. doi:10.1016/j.trd.2019.01.017
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Tawfik, C. M. F., & Limbourg, S. (2019). A bilevel model for network design and pricing based on a level-of-service assessment. Transportation Science. doi:10.1287/trsc.2019.0906
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Limbourg, S. (2018). Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks – TRanversal Assessment of Intermodal New Strategies 2012-2017.

Limbourg, S. (2018). L'intégration des réseaux logistiques pour réduire l'empreinte carbone. Belgium: Plateforme Wallonne pour le GIEC.

Tawfik, C. M. F., & Limbourg, S. (July 2018). A bilevel model with a solution algorithm for the network design and pricing problem [Paper presentation]. 29th European Conference on Operational Research, Valencia, Spain.

Tawfik, C. M. F., & Limbourg, S. (June 2018). Heuristic Algorithms for a Bilevel Service Network Design and Pricing Model [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Workshop on Bilevel Programming, Lille, France.

Paquay, C., Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (16 May 2018). A tailored two-phase constructive heuristic for the three-dimensional Multiple Bin Size Bin Packing Problem with transportation constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, 267 (1), 52-64. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2017.11.010
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Limbourg, S., & Pirotte, M. (2018). How to include the durability, resale and losses of returnable transport items in their management? In Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Tawfik, C. M. F., & Limbourg, S. (10 April 2018). Operational assessment of intermodality future in Belgium: Best - case scenario [Paper presentation]. GOL'18 (Logistics Operations Management), le Havre, France.
Peer reviewed

Limbourg, S. (30 January 2018). Un modèle intégré d'aide à la décision pour la logistique urbaine [Paper presentation]. Supply chain et excellence operationnelle, Casablanca, Morocco.

Tawfik, C. M. F., & Limbourg, S. (2018). Pricing Problems in Intermodal Freight Transport: Research Overview and Prospects. Sustainability, 10 (9), 3341. doi:10.3390/su10093341
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Troch, F., Vanelslander, T., Sys, C., Verhoest, K., Tawfik, C. M. F., Limbourg, S., Merchan, A., & Léonard, A. (2018). Transversal assessment of new intermodal strategies : deliverable D 7.2, synthesis and recommendations. (Brain-Trains ; D 7.2). Belspo.

Paquay, C., Limbourg, S., Schyns, M., & Oliveira, J. F. (2018). MIP-based constructive heuristics for the three-dimensional Bin Packing Problem with transportation constraints. International Journal of Production Research, 56 (4), 1581-1592. doi:10.1080/00207543.2017.1355577
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Mostert, M., Caris, A., & Limbourg, S. (2018). Intermodal network design: a three-mode bi-objective model applied to the case of Belgium. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal. doi:10.1007/s10696-016-9275-1
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Troch, F., Vanelslander, T., Sys, C., Verhoest, K., Tawfik, C., Limbourg, S., Merchan Arribas, A., & Léonard, A. (2018). Transversal assessment of new intermodal strategies : deliverable D 7.1, synopsis. Belspo.

Limbourg, S. (2018). Optimisation des transports : de la mer à la terre. In M. Lihoussou & B. Steck, Moderniser les ports ouest-africains. Enjeux et perspectives (pp. 221-252). Cormelles-le-Royal, France: Éditions Management et Société (EMS).
Peer reviewed

Sabiri, A., Riane, F., & Limbourg, S. (2018). Sales force optimization to efficiently supply small stores in emerging markets [Paper presentation]. 7th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain, ILS 2018.

Sabiri, A., Riane, F., & Limbourg, S. (October 2017). NANO-STORE RETAILERS’ DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT IN EMERGING COUNTRIES [Paper presentation]. Computer and industrial engineering, Lisbon, Portugal.

Tawfik, C. M. F., & Limbourg, S. (18 July 2017). A bilevel modelling approach to service network design and pricing: Application to intermodal transportation [Paper presentation]. 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Quebec city, Canada.

Tawfik, C. M. F., & Limbourg, S. (14 July 2017). A bilevel modelling approach to service network design and pricing: Application to intermodal transportation [Paper presentation]. 15th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, Montréal, Canada.

Mostert, M., Limbourg, S., & Caris, A. (July 2017). Is a new definition of intermodal transport interesting for transferring flows from road to more environmentally friendly modes? [Paper presentation]. 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Québec, Canada.

Limbourg, S. (28 June 2017). An integrated logistics decision support model for city logistics [Paper presentation]. Environmental and Sustainability Management Accounting Network (EMAN), Liège, Belgium.

Mostert, M., Limbourg, S., & Caris, A. (June 2017). Intermodal transport: does a wider definition improve its competitiveness? [Paper presentation]. NECTAR 2017, Madrid, Spain.

Cools, M., & Limbourg, S. (Eds.). (2017). Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2017: Towards an Autonomous and Interconnected Transport Future. University Press.

Pirotte, M., & Limbourg, S. (2017). Inventory routings problems for the management of Returnable Transportation Items with durability constraints. In M. Cools & S. Limbourg, Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2017: Towards an Autonomous and Interconnected Transport Future (pp. 177-178). Belgium: University Press.

LIHOUSSOU, M., & Limbourg, S. (2017). Rail-road terminals location with interconnected rail network of West African countries. In M. Cools & S. Limbourg, Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2017: Towards an Autonomous and Interconnected Transport Future (pp. 397-401). University Press.

Tawfik, C. M. F., & Limbourg, S. (2017). Operational assessment of intermodality future in Belgium: Best-case scenario. In Proceedings of the BIVEC/GIBET Transport Research Days 2017.
Peer reviewed

Pollaris, H., Braekers, K., caris, A., Janssens, G. K., & Limbourg, S. (2017). The Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem with sequence-based pallet loading and axle weight constraints. In M. Cools & S. Limbourg, Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2017: Towards an Autonomous and Interconnected Transport Future (pp. 162-176). Belgium: University Press.

Mostert, M., Caris, A., & Limbourg, S. (2017). Can any possible combination of modes improve intermodal attractiveness? In Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2017.
Peer reviewed

Sabiri, A., Riane, F., & Limbourg, S. (2017). Building an Effective Strategy To Supply High Frequency Stores in Emerging Cities. In M. Cools & S. Limbourg, Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2017: Towards an Autonomous and Interconnected Transport Future (pp. 451-458). 978-9-4619753-3-1.

Cools, M., Rongy, C., & Limbourg, S. (2017). Can Autonomous Vehicles Reduce Car Mobility? Evidence from a Stated Adaptation Experiment in Belgium. In Proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C., United States: Transportation Research Board of the National Academies.
Peer reviewed

Iassinovskaia, G., Limbourg, S., & RIANE, F. (2017). The inventory-routing problem of returnable transport items with time windows and simultaneous pickup and delivery in closed-loop supply chains. International Journal of Production Economics, (183), 570-582. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.06.024
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Paquay, C., Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (2017). A best fit heuristic for the three-dimensional Bin Packing Problem with practical constraints from an air transportation application. In Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2017.
Peer reviewed

Paquay, C., Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (2017). Instances for the 3D Multiple Bin Size Bin Packing Problem.

Mostert, M., Tawfik, C. M. F., & Limbourg, S. (2017). BRAIN-TRAINS : transversal assessment of new intermodal strategies. Deliverable D 2.3 Scenario2: Worst-case. WP2: Optimal corridor and hub development. belspo.

Mostert, M., Caris, A., & Limbourg, S. (2017). Road and intermodal transport performance: the impact of operational costs and air pollution external costs. Research in Transportation Business and Management, 23, 75-85. doi:10.1016/j.rtbm.2017.02.004
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Tawfik, C. M. F., & Limbourg, S. (2017). Transversal assessment of new intermodal strategies. Deliverable D2.4. Scenario3: Medium-case. WP2: Optimal corridor and hub development. Belspo.

Pollaris, H., Braekers, K., Caris, A., Janssens, G. K., & Limbourg, S. (2017). Iterated local search for the capacitated vehicle routing problem with sequence-based pallet loading and axle weight constraints. Networks, 69 (3), 304–316. doi:10.1002/net.21738
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Troch, F., Vanelslander, T., Sys, C., Laroche, F., Stevens, V., Verhoest, K., Merchan Arribas, A., Mostert, M., Tawfik, C. M. F., Belboom, S., Léonard, A., & Limbourg, S. (2017). A road map for explorative scenario creation on Belgian rail freight transport development. Competition and Regulation in Network Industries. doi:10.1177/1783591717734792
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Jourquin, B., & Limbourg, S. (2017). De nouveaux terminaux à conteneurs en Belgique : hasard ou nécessité ? In Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique. De Boeck Supérieur. doi:10.3917/rpve.556.0089
Peer reviewed

Tawfik, C. M. F., Mostert, M., & Limbourg, S. (2017). Transversal assessment of new intermodal strategies. Deliverable D2.2Scenario1: Best-case, WP2: Optimal corridor and hub development. Belspo.

Limbourg, S. (03 November 2016). Les problèmes “riches” de tournées de véhicules [Paper presentation]. Marport, Cotonou, Benin.

Limbourg, S. (02 November 2016). La compétitivité du transport intermodal [Paper presentation]. Marport, Cotonou, Benin.

Tawfik, C. M. F., & Limbourg, S. (09 September 2016). A Bilevel Design and Pricing Model for an Intermodal Service Network [Paper presentation]. 7th International Conference on Computational Logistics (ICCL’16), Lisbon, Portugal.

Mostert, M., Limbourg, S., & Caris, A. (13 July 2016). Operational costs and externalities in optimal intermodal network design [Paper presentation]. 14th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, China.

Limbourg, S., Martin, A., & Paquay, C. (11 July 2016). Optimal returnable transport items management [Paper presentation]. 14th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, China.

Troch, F., Vanelslander, T., Sys, C., Stevens, V., Verhoest, K., Tawfik, C. M. F., Mostert, M., Limbourg, S., Merchan Arribas, A., & Belboom, S. (July 2016). BRAIN-TRAINS: Scenario development to explore intermodal rail transport expansion in, from and towards Belgium [Paper presentation]. 14th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, China.

Bay, M., & Limbourg, S. (25 May 2016). La distribution par des véhicules électriques [Paper presentation]. Rencontres Universitaires de G enie Civil, Liège, Belgium.

Mostert, M., & Limbourg, S. (2016). External Costs as Competitiveness Factors for Freight Transport — A State of the Art. Transport Reviews, 36 (6), 692-712. doi:10.1080/01441647.2015.1137653
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Paquay, C., Schyns, M., & Limbourg, S. (2016). A Mixed Integer Programming formulation for the three dimensional bin packing problem deriving from an air cargo application. International Transactions in Operational Research, 23 (1-2), 187-213. doi:10.1111/itor.12111
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Limbourg, S. (2016). PDIRPTW Instances. Elsevier.

Belaid, E., Limbourg, S., Mostert, M., Rigo, P., & Cools, M. (2016). Bi-objective Road and Pipe Network Design for Crude Oil Transport in the Sfax Region in Tunisia. Procedia Engineering, 142, 108-115. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2016.02.020
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Pollaris, H., Braekers, K., Caris, A., Janssens, G. K., & Limbourg, S. (2016). Capacitated vehicle routing problem with sequence- based pallet loading and axle weight constraints. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 5 (2), 231–255. doi:10.1007/s13676-014-0064-2
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Troch, F., Vanelslander, T., Sys, C., Tawfik, C., Mostert, M., Limbourg, S., Merchan, A., Belboom, S., Léonard, A., Stevens, V., & Verhoest, K. (2016). BRAIN-TRAINS : macro-economic impact of rail freight in Belgium : what can be the future added value? In Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Tawfik, C. M. F., & Limbourg, S. (2016). Service network design and pricing for intermodal freight transport [Paper presentation]. ORBEL, 30th annual conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society, UCL-CORE.

Limbourg, S., Giang, H. T. Q., & Cools, M. (2016). Logistics Service Quality: The Case of Da Nang City. Procedia Engineering, 142, 124-130. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2016.02.022
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Troch, F., Vanelslander, T., Sys, C., Stevens, V., Verhoest, K., Mostert, M., Tawfik, C. M. F., Limbourg, S., Merchan Arribas, A., Belboom, S., & Léonard, A. (2016). Transversal assessment of new intermodal strategies : D 2.1 –6.1 Methodology proposal. Belspo.

Limbourg, S. (2015). Comment réduire l'impact environnemental pour le transport de marchandises ? [Paper presentation]. Rencontres de Liège Creative, Liege, Belgium.

Saadi, I., El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Teller, J., Limbourg, S., & Cools, M. (September 2015). Modelling Agents’ Behavior in the Context of River Floods: An Ant Colony based Approach [Paper presentation]. 11th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS 2015), Cebu City, Philippines.

Troch, F., Vanelslander, T., Belboom, S., Léonard, A., Limbourg, S., Merchan Arribas, A., Mostert, M., Tawfik, C. M. F., Stevens, V., Sys, C., & Verhoest, K. (September 2015). Brain trains: scenario development to explore intermodal rail transport expansion in, from and towards Belgium [Paper presentation]. European Transport Conference 2015, Frankfurt, Germany.

Troch, F., Vanelslander, T., Sys, C., Belboom, S., Léonard, A., Limbourg, S., Merchan Arribas, A., Mostert, M., Stevens, V., Tawfik, C. M. F., & Verhoest, K. (2015). Brain Trains: Intermodal Rail Freight Transport and Hinterland Connections - A Swot Analysis to Assess the Belgian Rail Practice. In Proceedings of the IAME Annual Conference 2015.
Peer reviewed

Mostert, M., Limbourg, S., & Caris, A. (15 July 2015). Intermodal network design: a mixed-integer nonlinear model for costs and emissions minimization [Paper presentation]. 27th European Conference on Operational Research, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Tawfik, C. M. F., & Limbourg, S. (2015). Bilevel optimization in the context of intermodal pricing: state of art. In Proceedings of the 18th Euro Working Group on Transportation, EWGT 2015. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2015.09.017
Peer reviewed

Bay, M., & Limbourg, S. (July 2015). Constrained Vehicle Routing and speed optimization Problem (CVRsoP) for electric vehicles [Paper presentation]. 27th European Conference on Operational research EURO 2105, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Paquay, C., Schyns, M., & Limbourg, S. (July 2015). A best fit decreasing algorithm for the three dimensional bin packing problem [Paper presentation]. XI International Workshop on Cutting and Packing problems and Related Topics, Portugal.

Mostert, M., Caris, A., & Limbourg, S. (14 June 2015). A three-mode bi-objective location model under economies of scale for intermodal transport [Paper presentation]. NECTAR 2015, Ann Arbor, United States - Michigan.

Bay, M., & Limbourg, S. (05 June 2015). TSP model for electric vehicle deliveries, considering speed, loading and road grades [Paper presentation]. Sixth international workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics (ODYSSEUS 2015), Ajaccio, France.

Troch, F., Vanelslander, T., Belboom, S., Léonard, A., Limbourg, S., Merchan Arribas, A., Mostert, M., Pauwels, T., Vidar, S., Sys, C., Tawfik, C. M. F., & Verhoest, K. (May 2015). BRAIN TRAINS: Intermodal rail freight transport and hinterland connections A SWOT analysis to assess the Belgian rail practice [Paper presentation]. BIVEC/GIBET Transport Research Day 2015, EINDHOVEN, Netherlands.

Bay, M., & Limbourg, S. (17 April 2015). TSP model for electric vehicle deliveries, considering speed, loading and path slope [Paper presentation]. City Logistics and Freight Transport, Vilamoura, Portugal.

Paquay, C., Limbourg, S., Oliveira, J. F., & Schyns, M. (March 2015). Several constructive heuristics for the three dimensional Multiple Bin Size Bin Packing Problem with air transportation constraints [Paper presentation]. 12th ESICUP Meeting.

Mostert, M., Caris, A., & Limbourg, S. (05 February 2015). A mixed integer nonlinear programming bi-objective model for intermodal network design [Paper presentation]. ORBEL 29, Anvers, Belgium.

Troch, F., Vanelslander, T., Sys, C., Stevens, V., Verhoest, K., Mostert, M., Tawfik, C. M. F., Limbourg, S., Merchan Arribas, A., Belboom, S., & Léonard, A. (2015). BRAIN-TRAINS : transversal assessment of new intermodal strategies : deliverable D1.3 : scenario development. Belspo.

Santos, B. F., Limbourg, S., & Carreira, J. S. (January 2015). The impact of transport policies on railroad intermodal freight competitiveness – The case of Belgium. Transportation Research. Part D, Transport and Environment, 34, 230-244. doi:10.1016/j.trd.2014.10.015
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Pollaris, H., Braekers, K., Caris, A., Janssens, G. K., & Limbourg, S. (2015). Vehicle routing problems with loading constraints: State-of-the-art and future directions. OR Spectrum, 37 (Issue 2), 297-330. doi:10.1007/s00291-014-0386-3
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Vanelslander, T., Troch, F., Dotsenko, V., Pauwels, T., Sys, C., Tawfik, C., Mostert, M., Limbourg, S., Stevens, V., Verhoest, K., Merchan Arribas, A., Belboom, S., & Léonard, A. (2015). BRAIN-TRAINS : transversal assessment of new intermodal strategies: deliverable D1.1-1.2, SWOT analysis. Belspo.

Mostert, M., & Limbourg, S. (2014). A bi-objective model for intermodal transport. In ILS 2014 Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Mostert, M., Caris, A., & Limbourg, S. (18 July 2014). A Bi-Objective Location-Allocation Model for Intermodal Terminals [Paper presentation]. 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Barcelone, Spain.

Iassinovskaia, G., Limbourg, S., & Riane, F. (17 July 2014). Inventory-routing problem with pickups and deliveries of RTI in closed-loop supply chain [Paper presentation]. 20th Conference of the international Federation of Operational research societies, Barcelona, Spain.

Pollaris, H., Braekers, K., Caris, A., Janssens, G., & Limbourg, S. (June 2014). Integrating axle weight restrictions in a two-dimensional vehicle routing problem with sequence based loading [Paper presentation]. Verolog 2014, Oslo, Norway.

Mostert, M., & Limbourg, S. (25 April 2014). How to locate intermodal terminals for achieving economic and environmental competitiveness? [Paper presentation]. NECTAR Cluster 1 – Networks "Efficient European Multimodal Networks", Liège, Belgium.

Limbourg, S., Mostert, M., & Paquay, C. (24 April 2014). Logistics hub: the case of Liège [Paper presentation]. NECTAR Cluster 1 – Networks "Efficient European Multimodal Networks", Liège, Belgium.

Paquay, C., Schyns, M., & Limbourg, S. (30 January 2014). A relax-and- fix heuristic for the three-dimensional bin-packing model with transportation constraints [Paper presentation]. 28th annual conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society.

Paquay, C., Schyns, M., & Limbourg, S. (2014). A constructive heuristic for the three dimensional Bin Packing Problem with transportation constraints [Paper presentation]. 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Barcelone, Spain.

Paquay, C., Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (2014). Instances for 3D bin packing (designed for MILP).

Caris, A., Limbourg, S., Macharis, C., van Lier, T., & Cools, M. (2014). Integration of inland waterway transport in the intermodal supply chain: a taxonomy of research challenges. Journal of Transport Geography, 41, 126–136. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2014.08.022
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Paquay, C., Schyns, M., & Limbourg, S. (2014). A relax-and- fix heuristic for the three-dimensional bin-packing model with transportation constraints. In 11th ESICUP Meeting proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Cools, M., & Limbourg, S. (2014). Climatological influences on inland waterway transport capacity [Paper presentation]. Association of American Geographers (AAG) 2014 Annual Meeting, Tampa, United States - Florida.

Salmon, F., & Limbourg, S. (2013). Empty Container Management in the Benelux Waterways. In Pianic Smart Rivers 213.
Peer reviewed

Paquay, C., Schyns, M., & Limbourg, S. (July 2013). An exact formulation for the three-dimensional bin-packing with transportation constraints [Paper presentation]. 26th European Conference on Operational Research.

Mostert, M., & Limbourg, S. (2013). The economic and environmental feasibility of biogas buses in Liege. In 2013 BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days - Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Mostert, M., & Limbourg, S. (07 February 2013). Intermodal network design for freight transportation in Belgium - location of rail/road and road/inland waterway terminals [Paper presentation]. ORBEL 27, Kortrijk, Belgium.

Salmon, F., & Limbourg, S. (07 February 2013). Optimization model for empty container repositioning [Paper presentation]. Orbel 27, Kortrijk, Belgium.

Salmon, F., & Limbourg, S. (07 February 2013). Optimization model for empty container repositioning [Paper presentation]. ORBEL 27, Kortrijk, Belgium.

Caris, A., Limbourg, S., Macharis, C., Van Lier, T., & Cools, M. (2013). Integration of Inland Waterway Transport in the Intermodal Supply Chain: a Joint Research Agenda. In P. Rigo & M. Wolters (Eds.), Proceedings of the PIANC SMART Rivers Conference 2013 (pp. 48-59). Brussels, Belgium: Secretariat-General PIANC.
Peer reviewed

Carreira, J., Santos, B., & Limbourg, S. (2012). Inland intermodal freight transport modelling. In ETC Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Carreira, J., Santos, B., & Limbourg, S. (05 September 2012). The sensitivity of optimal rail‐road terminal locations to intermodal freight costs variations [Paper presentation]. 1st European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Kleyntssens, T., Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (2012). Automatic Cargo Load Planning: Special shipments. In ILS 2012 Proceedings (pp. 7).
Peer reviewed

Lihoussou, M., & Limbourg, S. (2012). Network design model for intermodal transport: the case of the hinterland of the Port of Cotonou. In ILS 2012 Proceeding (pp. 7).
Peer reviewed

Paquay, C., Schyns, M., & Limbourg, S. (2012). Three dimensional Bin Packing Problem applied to air cargo. In ILS 2012 Proceedings (pp. 9).
Peer reviewed

Lihoussou, M., & Limbourg, S. (21 May 2012). Intermodal transportation network design under uncertainty: case of the hinterland of the Port of Cotonou [Paper presentation]. KEY DEVELOPMENTS IN THE PORT AND MARITIME SECTOR, WCTRS-Special Interest Group 2, Anvers, Belgium.

Paquay, C., Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (2012). Optimisation 3D du chargement de conteneurs pour le transport aérien. In LigéRO (Ed.), Proceedings ROADEF 2013 (LigéRO - Université d'Angers).
Peer reviewed

Schyns, M., Limbourg, S., & Kleyntssens, T. (April 2012). Chargement de marchandises dans un avion cargo: le cas des marchandises nécessitant des précautions particulières [Paper presentation]. 13ème Congrès de la Société française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), Angers, France.

Paquay, C., Schyns, M., & Limbourg, S. (02 February 2012). Three dimensional Bin Packing Problem applied to air transport [Paper presentation]. 26th Annual Conference of the Belgian Operations Research Society, Brussels, Belgium.

Kleyntssens, T., Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (02 February 2012). An Integer Programming model for air transport of hazardous and special shipments [Paper presentation]. 26th annual conference of the Belgian Operations Research Society, Brussels, Belgium.

Schyns, M., Limbourg, S., & Laporte, G. (2012). How to optimally load a set of containers into an aircraft. ORBi-University of Liège.

Limbourg, S., Schyns, M., & Laporte, G. (2012). Automatic Aircraft Load Planning. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 63, 1271–1283. doi:10.1057/jors.2011.134
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Kleyntssens, T., Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (15 December 2011). Chargement d’un avion cargo : le cas des marchandises nécessitant des précautions particulières [Paper presentation]. 3è Colloque International "Systèmes Industriels et Logistiques" 2011, Casablanca, Morocco.

Paquay, C., Schyns, M., & Limbourg, S. (15 December 2011). Three Dimensional Bin Packing Problem applied to air cargo [Paper presentation]. Le Colloque International sur les Systèmes Industriels et Logistiques « SIL 2011 », Casablanca, Morocco.

Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (2011). Les défis du transport de fret. La Libre Belgique.

Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (25 May 2011). Automatic Cargo Load Planning: Special shipments [Paper presentation]. Transport Research Day, Namur, Belgium.

Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (2011). Automatic Cargo Load Planning: Special shipments. In E. Cornelis (Ed.), Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Day 2011. Namur, Belgium: University Press.

Lihoussou, M., & Limbourg, S. (2011). Intermodal transportation network design for the hinterland of the hinterland of the Port of Cotonou. In E. Cornelis (Ed.), Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Day 2011 (pp. 227-239). Namur, Belgium: University Press.
Peer reviewed

Schyns, M., & Limbourg, S. (May 2011). Aircraft Cargo AutoLoad [Paper presentation]. UGR-GreatRoad (Interreg IV), Liège, Belgium.

Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (18 April 2011). Planification automatique de chargements d'avions cargo [Paper presentation]. Séminaire du GRT, Namur, Belgium.

Limbourg, S., Schyns, M., & Laporte, G. (2011). Automatic Cargo Load Planning. In Proceedings (pp. 22).
Peer reviewed

Limbourg, S. (2011). Modèles de localisations optimales de hubs de conteneurs sur un réseau multimodal européen. In J.-P. Lebacque, M. Aron, ... N. Farhi (Eds.), Modélisation des réseaux de transport (pp. 43-73). France: INRETS.

Limbourg, S. (14 December 2010). AUTOMATIC CARGO LOAD PLANNING [Paper presentation]. Séminaire LA CHAIRE DE RECHERCHE DU CANADA EN LOGISTIQUE ET EN TRANSPORT, Montréal, Canada.

Limbourg, S., & Jourquin, B. (March 2010). « Market area of intermodal rail-road container terminals embedded in a hub-and–spoke network. Papers in Regional Science, 89 (1), 135–154. doi:10.1111/j.1435-5957.2009.00255.x
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Limbourg, S., & Jourquin, B. (28 January 2010). Location and market area of rail-road terminals [Paper presentation]. Orbel, Mons, Liège, Belgium.

Nondonfaz, R., Arda, Y., & Limbourg, S. (2010). Supply chain vs marketing. La Libre Belgique.

Chevalier, S., & Limbourg, S. (2010). Critical analysis of the WORLDNET freight flow matrices. ORBi-University of Liège.

Limbourg, S. (2009). Modélisation du réseau mutli-modal et intermodal de fret européen par les réseaux virtuels ; Aspects méthodologiques et études de cas [Paper presentation]. Laboratoire Ville, Mobilité, Transport, Ecole des Ponts, Marne la Vallée, France.

Limbourg, S. (2009). Optimal rail-road container terminal locations on the European network.

Limbourg, S. (2009). Market area of intermodal rail-road container terminals embedded in a hub-and-spoke network [Paper presentation]. Nectar, Cagliari, Italy.

Barthélemy, J., Cornelis, E., Jourquin, B., Limbourg, S., & Piotte, J. (2009). The Didam framework Disaggregated demand and assignment models for combined passengers and freight transport [Paper presentation]. BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Day, Brussels, Belgium.

Limbourg, S., & Jourquin, B. (2009). Optimal rail-road container terminal locations on the European network. Transportation Research. Part E, Logistics and Transportation Review, 45 (4), 551-563. doi:10.1016/j.tre.2008.12.003
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Arda, Y., Limbourg, S., & Nondonfaz, R. (2009). Le logisticien et la gestion des déchets. La Libre Belgique.

Limbourg, S. (November 2008). Modèles de localisations optimales de hubs de conteneurs sur un réseau multimodal [Paper presentation]. • 8th East-West Francophone Seminar, socio-economics of transport, organised by The Minister of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and Territorial Development, France, Bucharest, Romania.

Limbourg, S. (2008). Localisation optimale de hubs de conteneurs à l’aide d’un modèle de réseau [Paper presentation]. • Belgian Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport, sixteenth meeting of consultation between different administrations on the freight and logistics, Brussels, Belgium.

Limbourg, S. (2007). Planification stratégique de Systèmes de transport de marchandises en Europe : Modèles de localisations optimales de hubs de conteneurs sur un réseau multimodal [Doctoral thesis, UMONS - Université de Mons]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Jourquin, B., & Limbourg, S. (2007). Inter-modal freight terminal location in Europe : a strategic model. In Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET, Transport Research Day 2007 (Nautilus Academic Books, pp. 68-81).

Jourquin, B., & Limbourg, S. (2007). Une procédure d’affectation multi-flux et multimodale appliquée aux réseaux transeuropéens de transport de fret. Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport, 52, 9-25.
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Limbourg, S., & Jourquin, B. (2007). Rail-Road terminal locations: aggregation errors and best potential locations on large networks. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 7 (4), 317-334.
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Limbourg, S. (2006). Inter-modal freight terminal location in Europe: a strategic model [Paper presentation]. 46th conference of European Regional Science Association, Volos, Greece.

Jourquin, & Limbourg, S. (2006). Equilibrium traffic assignment on large Virtual Networks: Implementation issues and limits for multi-modal freight transport. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 6 (3), 205-228.
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Limbourg, S., & Jourquin, B. (2005). Inter-Modal Terminals for Freight [Paper presentation]. 14th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Tomar, Portugal.

Jourquin, B., & Limbourg, S. (2005). Optimal location of inter-modal terminals [Paper presentation]. 8th Network of European Communications and Transport Activities Research Euroconference, Las Palmas, Spain.

Limbourg, S., & Jourquin, B. (2005). Inter-modal freight terminals location: Discover the best potential locations on large networks [Paper presentation]. Bivec-Gibet Transport Research day, Hasselt, Belgium.

Jourquin, B., & Limbourg, S. (2004). Assignment techniques on Virtual Networks, Deterministic and stochastic approaches on large multi-modal freight networks [Paper presentation]. World Conference on Transport Research, Istanbul, Turkey.

Jourquin, B., & Limbourg, S. (2004). Optimal location of inter-modal terminals [Paper presentation]. Network of European Communications and Transport Activities Research Cluster 4 meeting, Lugano, Switzerland.

Jourquin, B., & Limbourg, S. (2003). Assignment techniques on Virtual Networks, Performance considerations on large multi-modal networks [Paper presentation]. 43th congress of European Regional Science Association, Jyväskylä, Finland.

Jourquin, B., & Limbourg, S. (2003). Assignment techniques on Virtual Networks: Performance considerations on large multi-modal networks [Paper presentation]. NECTAR, Umea, Sweden.

De Coninck, J., Limbourg, S., & Newman, C. (1994). Surface pressure in SOS models. Thin Solid Films, 244, 819-823.
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