Polymorphisms in cyanogenic glucoside and cyano-aminoacid content in natural accessions of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) and selection for improved agronomic performance
Aouida, Marwa; Rook, Fred; Maimann, Alexandra Biancaet al.
[en] Common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) is an important annual forage legume. It is used as a
cover crop, green manure, pasture legume and for silage and hay production. Its
seeds can be used as a source of highly digestible protein and minerals in animal diets.
However, their utilization as a feedstuff for monogastric animals is hindered by the
fact that the seeds contain cyanogenic antinutritional factors that reduce their palatability.
An effective utilization of V. sativa seeds as a successful monogastric feed
stuff requires selection for higher protein availability and minimization of the cyanogenic
antinutritional factors content. In this study, we selected one natural accession
named Mjez Ibeb, from a collection of 25 accessions and cultivars, based on its superior
agronomic performance and its naturally occurring genetic variation for cyanogenic
traits. We investigated the genetic variation that exists for the cyanogenesis
trait in more detail and analysed the seeds of 133 lines derived from accession Mjez
lbeb. Of these, 40 naturally polymorphic lines that showed deficiencies in cyanogenesis
and cyano‐amino acid content, were subsequently selected for detailed chemical
analysis. Cyanogenic glucosides and cyano‐amino acid concentrations varied widely
in the 40 lines. Multivariate analysis was performed and three lines (L16, L21, L18) with
low content of cyanogenic compounds were identified.
Fauconnier, Marie-Laure ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Agronomie, Bio-ingénierie et Chimie (AgroBioChem) > Chimie des agro-biosystèmes
Jebara, Moez
Language :
Title :
Polymorphisms in cyanogenic glucoside and cyano-aminoacid content in natural accessions of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) and selection for improved agronomic performance
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