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[en] An inverse Mean-Field Homogenization (MFH) process is developed to improve the computational efficiency of non-linear stochastic multiscale analyzes by relying on a micro-mechanics model. First full-field simulations of composite Stochastic Volume Element (SVE) realizations are performed
to characterize the homogenized stochastic behavior. The uncertainties observed in the non-linear homogenized response, which result from the uncertainties of their micro-structures, are then translated to an incrementalsecant MFH formulation by defining the MFH input parameters as random effective properties. These effective input parameters, which correspond to the micro-structure geometrical information and to the material phases model parameters, are identified by conducting an inverse analysis from the full-field homogenized responses. Compared to the direct finite element analyzes on SVEs, the resulting stochastic MFH process reduces not only the computational cost, but also the order of uncertain parameters in the composite micro-structures, leading to a stochastic Mean-Field Reduced Order Model (MF-ROM). A data-driven stochastic model is then built in order to generate the random effective properties under the form of a random field used as entry for the stochastic MF-ROM embedded in a Stochastic Finite Element Method (SFEM). The two cases of elastic Unidirectional (UD) fibers embedded in an elasto-plastic matrix and of elastic UD fibers embedded in a damage-enhanced elasto-plastic matrix are successively considered. In order to illustrate the capabilities of the method, the stochastic response of a ply is studied under transverse loading condition.
H2020 - 685451 - M-ERA.NET 2 - ERA-NET for materials research and innovation
Name of the research project :
The research has been funded by the Walloon Region under the agreement no 1410246 - STOMMMAC (CT-INT2013-03-28) in the context of the M-ERA.NET Joint Call 2014.
Funders :
Service public de Wallonie : Direction générale opérationnelle de l'économie, de l'emploi et de la recherche - DG06 CE - Commission Européenne
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