Integration; Order picking; Vehicle routing problem; Meta-heuristic algorithm; E-commerce logistics
Abstract :
[en] In B2C e-commerce sales, customers expect a fast and low-cost delivery. To be able to fulfill these customer expectations, both warehouse and distribution operations have to be performed in an efficient and effective way. Ideally, these two supply chain functions should be considered simultaneously in an integrated problem since they are interrelated. In this paper, a record-to-record travel algorithm is proposed to solve the integrated order picking-vehicle routing problem (I-OP-VRP). Experiments with both small-size and large-size instances are conducted. Furthermore, the integrated approach is compared with an approach in which both problems are solved sequentially. Results show that integration leads to increased service levels, i.e., it allows to shorten the time between placing an order and receiving the goods. On top, the integrated approach leads to costs savings of on average 1.8%. Thus, integration is indispensable for a fast and cost-efficient delivery of goods.
Research Center/Unit :
Research Group Logistics, UHasselt - Hasselt University QuantOM, HEC Liège - Management School of the University of Liège
Disciplines :
Production, distribution & supply chain management
Author, co-author :
Moons, Stef; Universiteit Hasselt - UH > Research Group Logistics
Braekers, Kris; Universiteit Hasselt - UH > Research Group Logistics
Ramaekers, Katrien; Universiteit Hasselt - UH > Research Group Logistics
Caris, An; Universiteit Hasselt - UH > Research Group Logistics
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