comets: individual: P/2010 R2 (La Sagra); methods: numerical; minor planets; asteroids: general
Abstract :
[en] We present a model of the dust environment of Main-Belt Comet P/2010 R2 (La Sagra) from images acquired during the period 2010 October-2011 January. The tails are best simulated by anisotropic ejection models, with emission concentrated near the nucleus south pole, the spin axis having an obliquity near 90°, indicative of a possible seasonally driven behavior. The dust mass loss rate increases rapidly shortly before perihelion, reaching a maximum value of ~4 kg s[SUP]-1[/SUP], and maintaining a sustained, cometary-like, activity of about 3-4 kg s[SUP]-1[/SUP] up to at least 200 days after perihelion, the date of the latest observation. The size distribution function is characterized by particles in the 5 × 10[SUP]-4[/SUP] cm to 1 cm radius range, assuming a time-constant power-law distribution with an index of -3.5. The ejection velocities are compatible with water-ice sublimation activity at the heliocentric distance of 2.7 AU, with values of 10-20 cm s[SUP]-1[/SUP] for particle radius of 1 cm, and inverse square root dependence on particle size, typical of hydrodynamical gas drag.
Disciplines :
Space science, astronomy & astrophysics
Author, co-author :
Moreno, F.; Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, CSIC, Glorieta de la Astronomía s/n, 18008 Granada, Spain
Lara, L. M.; Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, CSIC, Glorieta de la Astronomía s/n, 18008 Granada, Spain
Licandro, J.; Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, c/Vía Láctea s/n, 38200 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain ; Departamento de Astrofísica, Universidad de La Laguna, E-38205 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
Ortiz, J. L.; Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, CSIC, Glorieta de la Astronomía s/n, 18008 Granada, Spain
de León, J.; Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, CSIC, Glorieta de la Astronomía s/n, 18008 Granada, Spain
Alí-Lagoa, V.; Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, c/Vía Láctea s/n, 38200 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain ; Departamento de Astrofísica, Universidad de La Laguna, E-38205 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
Agis-Gonzalez, Beatriz ; Departamento de Astrofísica, Universidad de La Laguna, E-38205 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
Molina, A.; Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, CSIC, Glorieta de la Astronomía s/n, 18008 Granada, Spain ; Departamento de Física Aplicada, Universidad de Granada, Fuentenueva s/n, 18071 Granada, Spain)
Language :
Title :
The Dust Environment of Main-Belt Comet P/2010 R2 (La Sagra)
Publication date :
01 September 2011
Journal title :
Astrophysical Journal. Letters
Publisher :
Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol,, United Kingdom
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