[en] Handwritten digit recognition plays a crucial role
in various automatic systems and industries nowadays. In steel
companies, the code digits written on slab forehead should be
recognized with high accuracy because these codes are used
for determination of suitable thickness of steel slabs in rolling
procedure. Because of special artifacts exist in these kinds of
images such as color sagging, faint colors, and color separation,
most of the common digit recognition algorithms have low
accuracy in recognition of code digits. In this paper, a new two
stage algorithm is proposed in order to reach high accuracy in
determination of the handwritten codes written on slabs forehead
and are corrupted by color sagging, faint colors and color
separation. Applying our proposed algorithm on a dataset of
images of slabs in Isfahan Steel Company shows that accuracy
of the algorithm is 89.12% which is much higher than common
and recently proposed algorithms.
Disciplines :
Electrical & electronics engineering
Author, co-author :
Nasiri, Sanaz; Isfahan University of Technology > Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering > Digital Signal Processing Lab
Amirfattahi, Rassoul; Isfahan University of Technology > Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering > Digital Signal Processing Lab
Sadeghi, Mohammad Taghi; Yazd University > Department of Electrical Engineering
Mortaheb, Sepehr ; Isfahan University of Technology > Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering > Digital Signal Processing Lab
Language :
Title :
A New Binarization Method for High Accuracy Handwritten Digit Recognition of Slabs in Steel Companies
Publication date :
November 2017
Event name :
10th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing
Event date :
from 22-11-2017 to 23-11-2017
Audience :
Main work title :
2017 10th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing (MVIP)
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