McCormac, J.; Department of Physics, University ofWarwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, United Kingdom, Centre for Exoplanets and Habitability, University ofWarwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, United Kingdom
Smalley, B.; Astrophysics Group, Lennard-Jones Laboratories, Keele University, Staffordshire, United Kingdom
Almleaky, Y.; Space and Astronomy Department, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah Centre for Crescent Observations and Astronomy, Makkah Clock, Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Armstrong, D. J.; Department of Physics, University ofWarwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, United Kingdom, Centre for Exoplanets and Habitability, University ofWarwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, United Kingdom
Bayliss, D.; Department of Physics, University ofWarwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, United Kingdom
Burdanov, Artem ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'astrophys., géophysique et océanographie (AGO) > Origines Cosmologiques et Astrophysiques (OrCa)
Burleigh, M.; Department of Physics and Astronomy, Leicester Institute of Space and Earth Observation, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Cabrera, J.; Institute of Planetary Research, German Aerospace Center, Rutherfordstrasse 2, Berlin, Germany
Casewell, S. L.; Department of Physics and Astronomy, Leicester Institute of Space and Earth Observation, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Cooke, B. F.; Department of Physics, University ofWarwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, United Kingdom, Centre for Exoplanets and Habitability, University ofWarwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, United Kingdom
Csizmadia, S.; Institute of Planetary Research, German Aerospace Center, Rutherfordstrasse 2, Berlin, Germany
Ducrot, Elsa ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'astrophys., géophysique et océanographie (AGO) > Origines Cosmologiques et Astrophysiques (OrCa)
Eigmüller, P.; Institute of Planetary Research, German Aerospace Center, Rutherfordstrasse 2, Berlin, Germany, Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics, TU Berlin, Hardenbergstr. 36, Berlin, Germany
Erikson, A.; Institute of Planetary Research, German Aerospace Center, Rutherfordstrasse 2, Berlin, Germany
Gänsicke, B. T.; Department of Physics, University ofWarwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, United Kingdom, Centre for Exoplanets and Habitability, University ofWarwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, United Kingdom
Gibson, N. P.; Astrophysics Research Centre, School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom
Gillon, Michaël ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'astrophys., géophysique et océanographie (AGO) > Origines Cosmologiques et Astrophysiques (OrCa)
Goad, M. R.; Department of Physics and Astronomy, Leicester Institute of Space and Earth Observation, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Jehin, Emmanuel ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'astrophys., géophysique et océanographie (AGO) > Origines Cosmologiques et Astrophysiques (OrCa)
Jenkins, J. S.; Departamento de Astronomía, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 36-D, Santiago, Chile, Centro de Astrofísica y Tecnologías Afines (CATA), Casilla 36-D, Santiago, Chile
Louden, T.; Department of Physics, University ofWarwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, United Kingdom, Centre for Exoplanets and Habitability, University ofWarwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, United Kingdom
Moyano, M.; Instituto de Astronomia, Angamos 0610, Antofagasta, Chile
Pollacco, D.; Department of Physics, University ofWarwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, United Kingdom, Centre for Exoplanets and Habitability, University ofWarwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, United Kingdom
Poppenhaeger, K.; Astrophysics Research Centre, School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom
Rauer, H.; Institute of Planetary Research, German Aerospace Center, Rutherfordstrasse 2, Berlin, Germany, Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics, TU Berlin, Hardenbergstr. 36, Berlin, Germany, Institute of Geological Sciences, FU Berlin, Malteserstr. 74-100, Berlin, Germany
Raynard, L.; Department of Physics and Astronomy, Leicester Institute of Space and Earth Observation, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Smith, A. M. S.; Institute of Planetary Research, German Aerospace Center, Rutherfordstrasse 2, Berlin, Germany
Sohy, Sandrine ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'astrophys., géophysique et océanographie (AGO) > Origines Cosmologiques et Astrophysiques (OrCa)
Thompson, S. J.; Astrophysics Group, Cavendish Laboratory, J.J. Thomson Avenue, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Watson, C. A.; Astrophysics Research Centre, School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom
West, R. G.; Department of Physics, University ofWarwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, United Kingdom
Wheatley, P. J.; Department of Physics, University ofWarwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, United Kingdom, Centre for Exoplanets and Habitability, University ofWarwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, United Kingdom
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