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Abstract :
[en] During its examination at the KIK-IRPA, carried out in collaboration with the Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf, the Dulle Griet coloured drawing underwent infrared reflectography, infrared photography, transmitted light photography, macro-XRF and micro-Raman spectroscopy.
The authenticity, dating and materials of this drawing, as well as its attribution and function were investigated at the same time as Bruegel the Elder’s Dulle Griet painting was being conserved.
This study brought to light a hitherto unseen watermark, whose identification proved critical to the dating of the paper. The identification of the coloured pigments was also key for an assessment of their status as original materials or later additions.
The drawing turned out to be an extremely useful document for the cleaning and retouching of Bruegel’s Dulle Griet painting as many of the colours in the drawing are better-preserved than they are in the painting. Furthermore, motifs that are hard to interpret in the painting due to ageing are often crystal clear in the drawing.