
Currie Christina

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Main Referenced Co-authors
Allart, Dominique  (22)
Saverwyns, Steven (6)
Bubb, Ruth (2)
Fraiture, Pascale  (2)
Brink Sonja (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
Bruegel, Pieter the Elder (11); Pieter Bruegel the Elder (7); Pieter Brueghel the Younger (7); Brueghel, Pieter the Younger (4); copy process (4);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Transitions - Transitions (Département de recherches sur le Moyen Âge tardif & la première Modernité) - ULiège (21)
KIK-IRPA Brussels (6)
IRPA - Institut royal du Patrimoine artistique (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Art & art history (21)
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (9)
Physical, chemical, mathematical & earth Sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (4)

Publications (total 22)

The most downloaded
Allart, D., Currie, C., & Saverwyns, S. (2013). Le Massacre des Innocents de Pierre Brueghel le Jeune de la collection Brukenthal (Bucarest) : Une copie qui fait honneur à son modèle. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique, 133-151.

Currie, C., Allart, D., Brink Sonja, & Saverwyns Steven. (2021). The Coloured Drawing of the Dulle Griet in the Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf : New Findings on its Status and Dating. In Vanwijnsberghe Dominique, C. Currie (Ed.), D. Allart (Ed.), Fransen Bart (Ed.), ... Stroo Cyriel (Ed.), The Bruegel Success Story. Leuven, Belgium: Peeters.
Editorial reviewed

Currie, C., & Allart, D. (2019). Observations on the Genesis of Pieter Bruegel the Elder’s The Conversion of Saul and the Examination of Two Copies. In A. Hoppe-Harnoncourt, E. Oberthaler, S. Pénot, M. Sellink, ... R. Spronk (Eds.), Bruegel. The Hand of the Master, The 450th Anniversary Edition. Essays in Context (pp. 125-145). Hannibal.
Peer reviewed

Currie, C., Allart, D., & Fraiture, P. (2019). The Adoration of the Kings in the Snow : The Making of a Masterpiece. In The Miracle in the Snow. Pieter Bruegel the Elder (pp. 18-34). Munich, Germany: Hirmer Verlag.
Peer reviewed

Currie, C., & Allart, D. (07 December 2018). Observations on the Genesis of Pieter Bruegel the Elder’s Conversion of Saul, and the Examination of Some Copies [Paper presentation]. Bruegel. The Hand of the Master. Materials and Techniques of Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Vienna, Austria.

Allart, D., & Currie, C. (14 September 2018). Creative process in the Triumph of Death by Pieter Bruegel the Elder and creative solutions in two versions by his sons [Paper presentation]. The Bruegel Success Story Symposium, Brussels, Belgium.

Allart, D., & Currie, C. (12 September 2018). Bruegel’s Creative Process Reappraised through the Dulle Griet [Paper presentation]. The Bruegel Success Story Symposium, Brussels, Belgium.

Allart, D., Currie, C., Brink, S., & Saverwyns, S. (12 September 2018). The Coloured Drawing of the Dulle Griet in the Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf : New Findings on its Status and Dating [Paper presentation]. The Bruegel Success Story Symposium, Brussels, Belgium.

Allart, D., Currie, C., Fraiture, P., & Saverwyns, S. (2018). A Case of Mistaken Identity. A Version of the Good Shepherd by Pieter Brueghel the Younger. In A. Dubois, J. Couvert, ... T.-H. Borchert (Eds.), Technical Studies of Paintings: Problems of Attribution (15th-17th Centuries) (pp. 338-350). Peeters.
Peer reviewed

Allart, D., & Currie, C. (2017). The Quintessential Replica : Jan Brueghel’s Large Format Version of his Father’s Sermon of St John the Baptist. Revue Belge d'Archéologie et d'Histoire de l'Art, LXXXVI (1), 199-229.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Allart, D., Currie, C., & Bubb, R. (2016). Philips Galle, after Pieter Bruegel the Elder, The Death of the Virgin. In K. Serres (Ed.), Bruegel in Black and White. Three Grisailles Reunited (pp. 27-29). London, United Kingdom: The Courtauld Gallery.
Peer reviewed

Allart, D., Currie, C., & Bubb, R. (2016). Pieter Bruegel the Elder, The Death of the Virgin. In K. Serres (Ed.), Bruegel in Black and White. Three Grisailles Reunited (pp. 18-26). London, United Kingdom: The Courtauld Gallery.
Peer reviewed

Allart, D., & Currie, C. (2014). Le clan Brueg(h)el, père et fils. Du maître au copiste, quand la technique fait la différence [Paper presentation]. Cours de l'Espace universitaire de Liège, Liège, Belgium.

Allart, D., & Currie, C. (19 October 2013). The Bruegh(h)el Phenomenon [Paper presentation]. Séance ordinaire de l'Académie royale d'Achéologie de Belgique / Gewone zitting van de Koninklijke Academie voor Oudheidkunde van België, Bruxelles - Brussel, Belgium.

Allart, D., Currie, C., & Saverwyns, S. (2013). Le Massacre des Innocents de Pierre Brueghel le Jeune de la collection Brukenthal (Bucarest) : Une copie qui fait honneur à son modèle. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique, 133-151.
Peer reviewed

Currie, C., & Allart, D. (2012). Pieter Brueghel as a copyist after Pieter Bruegel. In Ermens, E., European Paintings 15th-18th Centuries : Copying, Replicating & Emulating Paintings in the 15th-18th Century. London, United Kingdom: Archetype.
Peer reviewed

Allart, D., & Currie, C. (May 2012). Pieter Brueghel as a copyist after Pieter Bruegel [Paper presentation]. colloquium Copying, Replicating & Emulating Paintings in the 15th-18th Century, Copenhague, Denmark.

Allart, D., Currie, C., & Saverwyns, S. (2012). A Copy That Does Justice to its Model: the Massacre of the Innocents by Pieter Brueghel the Younger (Sibiu, Muzeul Naţional Brukenthal). Brukenthal Acta Musei, VII (4).
Peer reviewed

Currie, C., & Allart, D. (2012). The Brueg[H]el Phenomenon : Paintings by Pieter Bruegel the Elder and Pieter Brueghel the Younger with a special Focus on Technique and Copying Practice. Brussels, Belgium: Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage - Koninklijk INstituut voor het Kusntaptrimonium (KIK) - INstitut royal du Patrimoine artistique (IRPA).

Allart, D., & Currie, C. (2012). Dans l'atelier des Brueg(h)el père et fils. Pratiques d'un créateur et de son copiste [Paper presentation]. Cycle annuel de conférences organisé par "Transitions. Département de recherches sur le Moyen Âge tardif et la première Modernité", Liège, Belgium.

Currie, C., Allart, D., & Saverwyns, S. (2012). The Brueg[H]el Phenomenon Paintings by Pieter Bruegel the Elder and Pieter Brueghel the Younger with a Special Focus on Technique and Copying Practice [Paper presentation]. Lectures at the Rubenianum, Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.

Allart, D., Currie, C., & Saverwyns, S. (2012). Eine Kopie, die dem Original gerecht wird : Der Bethlehemitische Kindermord von Pieter Brueghel d.J. In D. Dâmbiou, G. Thewes, ... D. Wagener (Eds.), Bruegel, Cranach, Tizian, van Eyck: Meisterwerke aus der Sammlung Brukenthal (pp. 72-90). Berlin - München, Germany: Deutscher Kunstverlag.

Allart, D., & Currie, C. (2012). Les séductions du maquillage. Sur la Chute d'Icare des Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique à Bruxelles et son attribution à Bruegel [Paper presentation]. Restauration et falsification, Bruxelles, Belgium.

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