Energy; Energy conservation; NEECA; Building code; Energy provisions
Abstract :
[en] The household sector in Pakistan became the largest consumer of electricity which is responsible for more than 51% of the national consumption. The Building Energy Code of Pakistan was developed in 1990, yet the institutional setup regarding energy efficiency & conservation is inadequate. There is lack of experts and implementation of policies at national and provincial level. The study aims to explore the energy efficiency and conservation policies in Pakistan and their impact on reducing household energy consumption. The issues related to the implementation of policies across the country have been further discussed. The paper provides an overview of the energy sector and its challenges related to residential buildings. Energy policies, standards and literature related to building sector were analysed and discussed with the experts. Moreover, suggestions and recommendations are made for the possible solutions and improvement of the existing situation.
Research Center/Unit :
Sustainable Buildings Design (SBD) Lab, University of Liège
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Mahar, Waqas Ahmed ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Form. doct. art bâtir & urba. (FSA - paysage )
Anwar, Naveed Ur Rehman
Attia, Shady ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département ArGEnCo > Techniques de construction des bâtiments
Language :
Title :
Building energy efficiency policies and practices in Pakistan: A literature review
Publication date :
15 November 2018
Event name :
5th International Conference on Energy, Environment & Sustainable Development (EESD) 2018
Event organizer :
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology (MUET)
Event place :
Jamshoro, Pakistan
Event date :
14-11-2018 to 16-11-2018
Audience :
Main work title :
AIP Conference Proceedings 2119, 020005 (2019)
Editor :
Uqaili, Muhammad Aslam
Mahar, Rasool Bux
Harijan, Khanji
Aziz, Shaheen
Soomro, Shaikh Suhail Ahmed
Memon, Sheeraz Ahmed
Mirjat, Nayyar Hussain
Publisher :
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology (MUET), Jamshoro, Pakistan
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