[en] This entry is dedicated to answer the need of a link between molecular data, environmental parameters, and counting information in the field of microbial ecology. Indeed, it is necessary to implement a new approach to link data that are deposited in GBIF with molecular data sets that are deposited in GenBank or that stay archived in lab computers. In the frame of the BRAIN-BE BELSPO project SAFRED, we attempted to achieve this goal by supplying a sequence template set as designed by the Microbial Antarctic Resource System (mARS). The MIDI CHIP molecular dataset contains cyanobacterial 16S rRNA sequences recovered from the study of strains, or communities using DGGE, TDGE, and clone libraries approaches, as well as rpoC1 and rbcLX sequences from cyanobacterial strains. The phytoplankton samples were mostly taken in Finnish, Italian, Luxembourg, Czech, and Polish lakes. The project is referenced in https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/51244_en.html
DG RDT - Commission Européenne. Direction Générale de la Recherche et de l'Innovation BELSPO - Politique scientifique fédérale
Commentary :
This is the compilation of 16S rRNA gene sequences from cyanobacteria that were obtained during the EC project MIDI-CHIP in lakes of Finland, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Czech Republic. The BELSPO project SAFRED funded the processing of the data to be published.