[en] The aim of this Guide is to inform the staff of research institutions about the gender issue, and to make them aware that they can and should contribute to change the way the academic world is running now, for the benefit of the research community and the society at large. This Guide ambitions to help research centres and university staff to find the tools they need, appropriate to their professional context, at the moment when they need them. So the guide focusses mainly on tools which are easily accessible and do not require long reading hours or long preparation time to be used. This Guide should not be read from page 1 to page 65. It is an inventory that the university staff, whatever their mission, can consult when necessary in specific situations. In the Guide they will find short descriptions of the tools and how they can be useful for them, with direct links to access these tools. For Mobility, International and Welcome Services: tools should help staff to reflect on how services can be delivered in a gender-sensitive way and to develop family-friendly competences. For Career development centres: the Guide provides references for trainings related to Gender equality and Diversity, for staff and researchers (leadership skills, mentoring, flexible career trajectories). For HRS4R (Euraxess Rights-Human Resources Strategy for Researchers): tools should help institutions to better integrate Gender equality and Diversity in their action plans. The guide includes a glossary of basic terms related to gender in research (see page 9 ), and is structured in 3 sections (see the overview of the tools on page 14) : actions focused on the researcher (careeer development) actions focused on the institution (HRS4R) actions focused on the social and cultural environment (services and general references). It will be updated in the course of the TOP 4 project. [fr] Ce guide consitue une collection de references utiles pour mettre en place une politique de recherche qui intègre les enjeux du genre et de la diversité. 56 outils developpés dans le cadre de projets européens y sont brièvement décrits (voir la table en page 14 ). Il contient également un glossaire des termes spécifiques au genre en recherche (page 9)
Research Center/Unit :
Université de Liège, Administration Recherche et Développement
Disciplines :
Human resources management
Author, co-author :
Ernst, Brigitte ; Université de Liège - ULiège > R&D : Centre de mobilité
Kottulova, Janka; Comenius University in Bratislava > Economy and Finance
Dimitrova, Svetlana; Sofia University
Language :
Title :
Gender and Diversity Management Guide-Presentation of 56 tools about Gender & Diversity in Research relevant for Euraxess
H2020 - 665934 - EURAXESS TOP III - Making European research careers more attractive by developing new services and enhancing the current services of the EURAXESS network – EURAXESS TOPIII
Name of the research project :
TOP 3 -Making European research careers more attractive by devlopping new services in the Euraxess Network