Reconstructing Early Atlantic to Early Subatlantic peat-forming conditions of the ombrotrophic Misten Bog (eastern Belgium) on the basis of high-resolution analyses of pollen, testate amoebae and geochemistry
[en] A seven metres thick peat bog (Misten, Hautes-Fagnes, Belgium) has been studied at high resolution in order to reconstruct the conditions of peat formation and evolution on the basis of pollen, testate amoebae analysis, and geochemistry. The sampled section of the peat bog corresponds to the most part of the Atlantic period, all the Subboreal period and the earliest Subatlantic period, i.e. a time interval between 7300 cal BP and 2000 cal BP. The identification of tie-points in the pollen assemblages recognized in a previous work (Persch, 1950) performed in the periphery of the same peat-bog, allows accurate correlation of the two sites, 460 cm thickness of peat in the central part corresponding to 230 cm thickness of peat in the periphery. The well constrained dates of the tie-points in the present work provide a more precise chronology of the events identified in Persch’s pollen diagram. A comparison of pollen data in both sites demonstrates that, as expected, the Corylus pollen rain is proportionally more important and the Quercetum mixtum pollen rain proportionally less important in the central area of the peat bog than in the periphery. The study of the testate amoebae in the central part of the peat bog is the major contribution of the present work. A stratigraphically constrained analysis resulted in the identification of five biozones, the zonation being mainly built on the fluctuations observed between Archerella (Amphitrema) flavum and Difflugia pulex. Three transfer functions have been applied and compared. Coupled with the humification values of each level, it allows a very accurate approach of the water-table level, and hence of local climatic conditions, at the time of the peat formation. Combination of pollen results and testate amoebae zonal subdivisions allows the definition, dating and interpretation of 18 rather short time intervals with an approximate duration of 200 to 300 years each. Our results validate and expand a previously published climate interpretation that combined geochemical data and a preliminary testate amoebae analysis.
Disciplines :
Earth sciences & physical geography
Author, co-author :
Streel, Maurice ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Relations académiques et scientifiques (Sciences)
Paillet, Marc ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Master sc. & gest. env., à fin.
Allan, Mohammed ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géologie > Argiles, géochimie et environnements sédimentaires
Fagel, Nathalie ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géologie > Argiles, géochimie et environnements sédimentaires
Gerrienne, Philippe ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géologie > Paléobiogéologie - Paléobotanique - Paléopalynologie (PPP)
Language :
Title :
Reconstructing Early Atlantic to Early Subatlantic peat-forming conditions of the ombrotrophic Misten Bog (eastern Belgium) on the basis of high-resolution analyses of pollen, testate amoebae and geochemistry
Alternative titles :
[en] Reconstruire les conditions de formation de la tourbe entre l'Atlantique ancien et le Subatlantique ancien dans la tourbière du Misten (Est de la Belgique) sur la base d'analyses à haute résolution du pollen, des thécamoebiens et de la géochimie
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