[en] In the Sahel (West Africa), climatic and socioeconomic factors are the main causes of the current landscape structure. In this context, this study aimed to determine the influence of human activities on the dynamics of a semi-arid landscape by analyzing land use in the Tibiri Commune. To do this, we analyzed the changing trends at various spatial and temporal scales as well as the processes behing this landscape dynamics. The mapping approach and the application of landscape ecology principles between 1972 and 2010 revealed a continuous transformation of Tibiri commune landscape through different processes. The most dominant transformations are fragmentation and suppression. These are highly related to the agriculture (rainfed and irrigated crops) intensification and the urbanization which impact natural formations (savannas) and grazing areas (fallow/pasture mosaic). This land tendency to land saturation should lead in long run to full landscape anthropisation.
Disciplines :
Environmental sciences & ecology
Author, co-author :
Sadda, A. S.; Université Dan Dicko Dan Koulodo de Maradi, Faculté d'Agronomie et des Sciences de I'Environnement, Maradi, Niger
Diouf, A.; Université Dan Dicko Dan Koulodo de Maradi, Faculté d'Agronomie et des Sciences de I'Environnement, Maradi, Niger
Lawali Mani, Sitou ; Université Dan Dicko Dan Koulodo de Maradi, Faculté d'Agronomie et des Sciences de I'Environnement, Maradi, Niger
Ouedraogo, M.; Institut de I'Environnement et de Recherche Agricole (INERA), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Bogaert, Jan ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Ingénierie des biosystèmes (Biose) > Biodiversité et Paysage
Mahamane, A.; Université de Diffa, Diffa, Niger, Université Abdou Moumouni, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Niamey, Niger
Language :
Title :
Anthropogenic pressure and landscape dynamics in semi-arid rural areas: The case of Tibiri commune, Maradi (Niger)
Alternative titles :
[en] Pression anthropique et dynamique paysagère en zone rurale semi-aride: Cas de la commune de Tibiri, région de Maradi (Niger)
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