Strategy & innovation Animal production & animal husbandry
Author, co-author :
Siddo, Seyni
Moula, Nassim ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Scientifiques attachés au Doyen (F MV)
Hamadou, Issa ; Fundamental and Applied Research for Animals and Health (FARAH), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Liege, avenue de Cureghem, 6, Liege, Belgium, National Institute of Agronomic Research of Niger, P.O. Box 429, Niamey, Niger
Issa, M.; Faculty of Agronomy, University Abdou Moumouni, P.O. Box 10 960, Niamey, Niger
Issa, S.; Fundamental and Applied Research for Animals and Health (FARAH), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Liege, avenue de Cureghem, 6, Liege, Belgium
Hamani, M.; Faculty of Agronomy, University Abdou Moumouni, P.O. Box 10 960, Niamey, Niger
Leroy, Pascal ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Conseiller du Recteur
Antoine-Moussiaux, Nicolas ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Dpt. de gestion vétérinaire des Ressources Animales (DRA) > Biostatistique, économie, sélection animale
Language :
Title :
Q method to map the diversity of stakeholder viewpoints along agricultural innovation systems: A case study on cattle genetic improvement in Niger
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