This is the submitted version of the paper "A damage to crack transition model accounting for stress triaxiality formulated in a hybrid non-local implicit discontinuous Galerkin - cohesive band model framework, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering VOL 115, PAGE 1430-1456, 10.1002/nme.5903" which has been published in final form on URL
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Multiscale; Stochastic problems; Order reduction; Mean-Field Homogenization; Composites
Abstract :
[en] This research develops a stochastic mean-field-homogenization (MFH) process that is used as Reduced Order Model (ROM) to carry out a statistical multiscale analysis on unidirectional (UD) fiber reinforced composites. First full-field simulations of UD Stochastic Volume Elements (SVEs), whose statistical description is obtained from SEM images, are conducted to define statistical meso-scale apparent properties.
A stochastic Mori-Tanaka MFH model is then developed through an inverse stochastic identification process performed on the apparent elastic properties obtained by full-field simulations. As a result, a random vector of the effective elastic properties of phases and micro-structure information of the Mori-Tanaka model is inferred. In order to conduct Stochastic Finite Element Method (SFEM) analyzes, a generator of this random vector is then constructed using the copula method, allowing predicting the statistical response of a composite ply under bending. The statistical dependence of the random vector entries is shown to be respected by the generator. Although this work is limited to the elastic response, we believe that the stochastic Mori-Tanaka model can be extended to nonlinear behaviors in order to conduct efficient stochastic
multiscale simulations.
H2020 - 685451 - M-ERA.NET 2 - ERA-NET for materials research and innovation
Name of the research project :
The research has been funded by the Walloon Region under the agreement no 1410246 - STOMMMAC (CT-INT2013-03-28) in the context of the M-ERA.NET Joint Call 2014.
Funders :
Service public de Wallonie : Direction générale opérationnelle de l'économie, de l'emploi et de la recherche - DG06 CE - Commission Européenne
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