[en] We study analytically the non-Markovianity of a spin ensemble, with arbitrary number of spins and spin quantum number, undergoing a pure dephasing dynamics. The system is considered as a part of a larger spin ensemble of any geometry with pairwise interactions. We derive exact formulas for the reduced dynamics of the system and for its non-Markovianity as assessed by the witness of Lorenzo et al. [Phys. Rev. A 88, 020102(R) (2013)]. The non-Markovianity is further investigated in the thermodynamic limit when the environment’s size goes to infinity. In this limit and for finite-size systems, we find that the Markovian’s character of the system’s dynamics crucially depends on the range of the interactions. We also show that, when the system and its environment are initially in a product state, the appearance of non-Markovianity is independent of the entanglement generation between the system and its environment.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Dubertrand, Rémy ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de physique > Optique quantique
Cesa, Alexandre ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de physique > Optique quantique
Martin, John ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de physique > Optique quantique
Language :
Title :
Analytical results for the quantum non-Markovianity of spin ensembles undergoing pure dephasing dynamics
Publication date :
June 2018
Journal title :
Physical Review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics
Publisher :
American Physical Society, United States - Maryland
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