A reply to Sahle and Braun’s reply to ‘The pattern of emergence of a Middle Stone Age tradition at Gademotta and Kulkuletti (Ethiopia) through convergent tool and point technologies’ [J; Hum. Evol. 91 (2016) 93-121]
Douze, Katja; Delagnes, Anne; Rots, Veerleet al.
2018 • In Journal of Human Evolution, 125, p. 207-214
Rots, Veerle ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences historiques > Archéologie préhistorique
Gravina, Brad
Language :
Title :
A reply to Sahle and Braun’s reply to ‘The pattern of emergence of a Middle Stone Age tradition at Gademotta and Kulkuletti (Ethiopia) through convergent tool and point technologies’ [J; Hum. Evol. 91 (2016) 93-121]
Publication date :
Journal title :
Journal of Human Evolution
Publisher :
Elsevier, Atlanta, United States
Volume :
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
European Projects :
FP7 - 312283 - EVO-HAFT - Evolution of stone tool hafting in the Palaeolithic
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