Abstract :
[en] tObjectives. This study aims to systematically review the different methods used for wearmeasurement of dental tissues and materials in clinical studies, their relevance and relia-bility in terms of accuracy and precision, and the performance of the different steps of theworkflow taken independently.Methods. An exhaustive search of clinical studies related to wear of dental tissues andmaterials reporting a quantitative measurement method was conducted. MedLine, Embase,Scopus, Cochrane Library and Web of Science databases were used. Prospective studies,pilot studies and case series (>10 patients), as long as they contained a description of wearmeasurement methodology. Only studies published after 1995 were considered.Results. After duplicates’ removal, 495 studies were identified, and 41 remained for quantita-tive analysis. Thirty-four described wear-measurement protocols, using digital profilometryand superimposition, whereas 7 used alternative protocols. A specific form was designed toanalyze the risk of bias. The methods were described in terms of material analyzed; studydesign; device used for surface acquisition; matching software details and settings; typeof analysis (vertical height-loss measurement vs volume loss measurement); type of areainvestigated (entire occlusal area or selective areas); and results.Sinificance. There is a need of standardization of clinical wear measurement. Current meth-ods exhibit accuracy, which is not sufficient to monitor wear of restorative materials andtooth tissues. Their performance could be improved, notably limiting the use of replicas,using standardized calibration procedures and positive controls, optimizing the settings ofscanners and matching softwares, and taking into account unusable data.
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