Năng suất sinh sản, sinh trưởng và chất lượng thân thịt của các tổ hợp lợn lai giữa nái F1(Landrace x Yorshire) với đực giống Duroc và Landrace nuôi tại Bắc Giang
Vu Dinh, Ton; Nguyen Cong, Oanh
2010 • In Journal of Science and Development, 8 (1), p. 106-113
journal of Science and Development; Duroc; Landrace; reproduction
Abstract :
[en] A study was carried out at 5 pig farms in 2 districts (Luc Nam and Luc Ngan) belonging to the
mountainous area of Bac Giang province from January 2008 to September 2009 in order to evaluate reproduction performance, growth rate, carcass and meat quality of crossbred pigs resulted from F1 (Landrace×Yorkshire) (LY) sows and Duroc (D) or Landrace (L) boars. Results showed that F1 (L×Y) sows mated with Duroc or Landrace boars had good reproductive performances, D×F1(L×Y) being better than L×F1(L×Y) crossbreds. The growth rate, FCR and lean meat percentage of the crossbreds between F1(L×Y) sow and Duroc boars were better than with Landrace boars. Meat quality of these two crossbred formula was satisfactory. It is therefore reccommended to cross F1(LXY) sows with Duroc boars for farming under the mountainous areas of Bac Giang province.
Disciplines :
Animal production & animal husbandry
Author, co-author :
Vu Dinh, Ton; Vietnam National University of Agriculture
Năng suất sinh sản, sinh trưởng và chất lượng thân thịt của các tổ hợp lợn lai giữa nái F1(Landrace x Yorshire) với đực giống Duroc và Landrace nuôi tại Bắc Giang
Alternative titles :
[en] Reproductive Performance, Growth rate, Carcass and Meat Quality of rossbred Pigs Resulted from F1 (Landrace×Yorkshire) Sows and Duroc or Landrace Boars in Bac Giang Province