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Change Detection Using Interferometric and Polarimetric Signatures in Argentina
Dadamia, Danilo; Thibeault, Marc; Palomeque, Mathias et al.


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Keywords :
SAR; polarimetry; agriculture; classification
Abstract :
[en] The two-satellite SAOCOM-1A/B SAR constellation to be deployed by Argentina shall provide full-polarimetric acquisitions at L-band, the main mission driver being the generation of soil moisture maps in the agriculture and hydrological contexts. The two satellites shall be incorporated, together with the Italian COSMO-Skymed satellites, in an X-L band constellation (referred to as SIASGE system) for risk management. Following an offer from CONAE, ESA has initiated the development of a passive receiving micro-satellite, SAOCOM-CS, for carrying out tomographic, interferometric, and bistatic imaging. SAOCOM-CS will fly in formation with SAOCOM-1B providing unique new single-pass measurements at L-band. The present paper reports the first results from an on-going study that comes in support to both the SAOCOM and SAOCOM-CS missions. The objective of this project is to accomplish a breakthrough in the development of algorithms and associated tools for change detection in Argentina, the core domain of focus being agriculture. The processing developments carried out in this project include a study of the polarimetric signature for different targets, and a multitemporal, spatial and angular analysis of the polarimetric parameters for different L band targets. The results are then applied in non-supervised algorithms for classification of SAR images and the development of simulated SAR images. Tests data sets include airborne and spaceborne SAR images and corresponding field measurements.
Disciplines :
Space science, astronomy & astrophysics
Author, co-author :
Dadamia, Danilo;  CONAE
Thibeault, Marc;  CONAE
Palomeque, Mathias;  CONAE
Barbier, Christian ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > CSL (Centre Spatial de Liège)
Kirkove, Murielle  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > CSL (Centre Spatial de Liège)
Davidson, Malcolm;  European Space Agency > Head of Campaigns Section > Mission Science Division
Language :
Title :
Change Detection Using Interferometric and Polarimetric Signatures in Argentina
Publication date :
23 January 2017
Event name :
8th International Workshop on Science and Applications of SAR Polarimetry and Polarimetric Interferometry
Event place :
Frascati, Italy
Event date :
from 23-01-2017 to 27-01-2017
Audience :
Available on ORBi :
since 16 January 2018


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