Evaluation retrospective de l'efficacite de l'interruption volontaire de grossesse medicamenteuse au premier trimestre en fonction de l'age gestationnel.
Thiebaut, M.; FIRQUET, Anne; Pintiaux, Axelleet al.
2017 • In Revue Médicale de Liège, 72 (4), p. 193-198
Gestational age; Medical abortion; Misoprostol; Mifepristone
Abstract :
[en] There are two methods of abortion : the medical and the surgical methods, each with its own specific benefits. Theoretically, the limit of medical abortion gestational age is 7 weeks of amenorrhea. However, since 2011, our university department provides the opportunity of a drug regimen until 9 weeks of amenorrhea. This paper describes the results of a retrospective study which covers 804 patients who were submitted to a medical abortion with gestational ages of 6 to 9 weeks. The purpose is to investigate the efficiency of the medical approach up to 9 weeks and to assess the drug dose required according to the term of pregnancy. Our work shows an efficiency of 95 % of medical abortion up to 9 weeks gestation, with no significant variation with the gestational age. However, maintaining this level of efficiency during the progress of pregnancy requires an increase of the administered doses of misoprostol. In addition, there is a significant increase in the use of analgesics. The medical abortion procedure remains effective until 9 weeks of gestation. This pharmacological approach reduces the risks induced, in the short and long term by the surgical procedure.
Disciplines :
Reproductive medicine (gynecology, andrology, obstetrics)
Author, co-author :
Thiebaut, M.
FIRQUET, Anne ; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > Gynécologie-Obstétrique CHR
Pintiaux, Axelle ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences cliniques > Département des sciences cliniques
Vande Kerckhove, C.
Nisolle, Michelle ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences cliniques > Gynécologie - Obstétrique
Language :
Title :
Evaluation retrospective de l'efficacite de l'interruption volontaire de grossesse medicamenteuse au premier trimestre en fonction de l'age gestationnel.
Alternative titles :
[en] Retrospective assessment of the influence of gestational age on the first trimester medical abortion efficiency
Publication date :
Journal title :
Revue Médicale de Liège
Publisher :
Université de Liège. Revue Médicale de Liège, Liège, Belgium
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