[en] Regional climate models (RCMs) are suitable numerical tools to study the surface mass
balance (SMB) of the wide polar ice sheets due to their high spatial resolution and polaradapted
physics. Nonetheless, RCMs are driven at their boundaries and over the ocean by
reanalysis or global climate model (GCM) products and are thus influenced by potential biases
in these largescale fields. These biases can be significant for both the atmosphere and the sea
surface conditions (i.e. sea ice concentration and sea surface temperature). With the RCM
MAR, a set of sensitivity experiments has been realized to assess the direct response of the
SMB of the Antarctic ice sheet to oceanic perturbations. MAR is forced by ERAInterim and
anomalies based on mean GCM biases are introduced in sea surface conditions. Results show
significant increases (decreases) of liquid and solid precipitation due to biases related to warm
(cold) oceans. As precipitation is mainly caused by lowpressure systems that intrude into the
continent and do not penetrate far inland, coastal areas are more sensitive than inland regions.
Furthermore, warm ocean representative biases lead to anomalies as large as anomalies
simulated by other RCMs or GCMs for the end of the 21st century.
Disciplines :
Earth sciences & physical geography
Author, co-author :
Kittel, Christoph ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géographie > Climatologie et Topoclimatologie
Language :
Title :
Sensitivity of the Antarctic surface mass balance to oceanic perturbations
Publication date :
14 September 2017
Event name :
The 2d MAR workshop
Event organizer :
Institut des Géosciences de l'Environnement
Event place :
Grenoble, France
Event date :
from 13-09-2017 to 15-09-2017
Audience :
Tags :
CÉCI : Consortium des Équipements de Calcul Intensif