Expert report (Reports)
Evaluation of Research Careers fully acknowledging Open Science Practices - Rewards, incentives and/or recognition for researchers practicing Open Science
O'Carroll, Connor; Rentier, Bernard; Cabello Valdès, Cecilia et al.


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Keywords :
Open Science; Researcher career developement; HR Strategy for researchers
Abstract :
[en] Changing practices from the traditional approach in most disciplines will require a fundamental change in the way scientisits carry out research in an Open Science Environment. In order for this to be encouraged and incentivised, this change apprroach must be recognised and rewarded by both employers (when recruiting and promoting researchers) and research funders (when performing peer review of researchers in grant applications). Moreover, senior researchers must play a key role in this change as they are highly influential in the recruitment/promotion of researchers and conduct peer review both for funding agencies and publishers. The report rpovides background information on Open Science, researcher assessment and career Framework. It also describes different aspects of OS. The limitations of current recognition and reward processes are presented, with suggestions on how to alleviate these and how new paradigms can be envisioned and implemented.
Disciplines :
Business & economic sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Author, co-author :
O'Carroll, Connor
Rentier, Bernard  ;  Université de Liège > Département des sciences de la vie > Département des sciences de la vie
Cabello Valdès, Cecilia
Esposito, Fulvio
Kaunismaa, Eva
Maas, Katrien
Metcalfe, Janet
Vandevelde, Karen
Other collaborator :
Halleux, Isabelle ;  Université de Liège > R&D : Direction
Kamerlin, Caroline Lynn
Lossau, Norbert
Lusoli, Wainer
Niedema, Frank
Ramjoue, Celina
Schreiber, Sylvia
Wauters, Paul
Language :
Title :
Evaluation of Research Careers fully acknowledging Open Science Practices - Rewards, incentives and/or recognition for researchers practicing Open Science
Publication date :
July 2017
Publisher :
Publication Office of the Europen Union, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Number of pages :
Commentary :
There is a brief analysis on how Open Science can be included in Human Resources Strategy for Researchers. Besides Bernard Rentier contribution to the group, ULiège carried out a Survey on research Funding and Research Performing Organisations, focusing on their approach to recognition and rewoards for researchers engaged in Open Science.
Available on ORBi :
since 31 October 2017


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