[en] Ion Mobility (IM) is now a well-established and fast analytical technique. The IM hardware is constantly being improved, especially in terms of the resolving power. The Drift Tube (DTIMS), the Traveling Wave (TWIMS), and the Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry (TIMS) coupled to mass spectrometry are used to determine the Collision Cross-Sections (CCS) of ions. In analytical chemistry, the CCS is approached as a descriptor for ion identification and it is also used in physical chemistry for 3D structure elucidation with computational chemistry support. The CCS is a physical descriptor extracted from the reduced mobility (K0) measurements obtainable only from the DTIMS. TWIMS and TIMS routinely require a calibration procedure to convert measured physical quantities (drift time for TWIMS and elution voltage for TIMS) into CCS values. This calibration is a critical step to allow inter-instrument comparisons. The previous calibrating substances lead to large prediction bands and introduced rather large uncertainties during the CCS determination. In this paper, we introduce a new IM calibrant (CCS and K0) using singly charged sodium adducts of poly(ethylene oxide) monomethyl ether (CH3O-PEO-H) for positive ionization in both helium and nitrogen as drift gas. These singly charged calibrating ions make it possible to determine the CCS/K0 of ions having higher charge states. The fitted calibration plots exhibit larger coverage with less data scattering and significantly improved prediction bands and uncertainties. The reasons for the improved CCS/K0 accuracy, advantages and limitations of the calibration procedures are also discussed. A generalized IM calibration strategy is suggested.
Research Center/Unit :
MolSys - Molecular Systems - ULiège DSM Resolve
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Haler, Jean ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de chimie (sciences) > Laboratoire de spectrométrie de masse (L.S.M.)
Kune, Christopher ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de chimie (sciences) > Laboratoire de spectrométrie de masse (L.S.M.)
Massonnet, Philippe ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de chimie (sciences) > Center for Analytical Research and Technology (CART)
Comby-Zerbino, Clothilde; Université de Lyon > Institut Lumière Matière
Jordens, Jan; DSM > DSM Resolve
Honing, Maarten; DSM > DSM Resolve
Mengerink, Ynze; DSM > DSM Resolve
Far, Johann ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de chimie (sciences) > Center for Analytical Research and Technology (CART)
De Pauw, Edwin ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de chimie (sciences) > Laboratoire de spectrométrie de masse (L.S.M.)
Language :
Title :
Comprehensive Ion Mobility Calibration: Poly(ethylene oxide) Polymer Calibrants and General Strategies
Publication date :
October 2017
Journal title :
Analytical Chemistry
Publisher :
American Chemical Society, Washington, United States - District of Columbia
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