Adolescent harm avoidance as a longitudinal predictor of maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation in adulthood: The mediating role of inhibitory control
Adolescent harm avoidance as a longitudinal predictor of maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation in adulthood- The mediating role of inhibitory control.pdf
Izadpanah, S.; Institute of Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Schumacher, M.; Institute of Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Arens, E. A.; Institute of Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Stopsack, M.; Institute of Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Ulrich, I.; Institute of Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Hansenne, Michel ; Université de Liège > Département de Psychologie > Psycho. de la personnalité et des différences individuelles
Grabe, H. J.; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Greifswald, Germany
Barnow, S.; Institute of Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Title :
Adolescent harm avoidance as a longitudinal predictor of maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation in adulthood: The mediating role of inhibitory control
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