white mouth croaker; Guanabara bay; Brazilian estuary; SIBER; isotopic niche
Abstract :
[en] The whitemouth croaker, Micropogonias furnieri, is a long-lived fish of high commercial importance in the Western Atlantic Ocean. Here, we used stable isotope ratios of carbon, sulfur and nitrogen and isotopic niche metrics (SIBER) to study feeding habits and track habitat use by whitemouth croakers in Guanabara Bay, an estuary in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. Our results highlighted size-related habitat segregation, with small juvenile (< 30 cm) fishes residing mostly inside estuaries, while large adult (> 60 cm) fishes feed mainly in Continental Shelf (CS) waters. Medium adult fishes (30-60 cm) appear to feed in multiple coastal and CS habitats. Moreover, their feeding ecology showed strong temporal differences, linked with seasonal and, to a lesser extent, inter-annual variation in oceanographic features of the ecosystem in which they live. Overall, these differences in ecological features suggest that (1) adult and juvenile whitemouth croakers should be treated as different components of the food web and (2) the conservation of these habitats should be prioritized to better manage and sustain the coastal fisheries in Guanabara Bay.
Research Center/Unit :
MARE - Centre Interfacultaire de Recherches en Océanologie - ULiège FOCUS - Freshwater and OCeanic science Unit of reSearch - ULiège
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