Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
ORBi : an institutional repository to promote Open Access
Chalono, Dominique; Thirion, Paul
2017World Humanities Conference 2017 - Humanities and knowledge as a public good


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Keywords :
Open Access; Open archive; Insitutional repository; Green open access; Gold open access; Archive ouverte; répertoire institutionnel; ORBi; Open repository and bibliography
Abstract :
[en] Since 2008 the University of Liège as implemented an institutional repository - ORBi - based on a strong mandate. Every member of the ULiège must upload the bibliographic references of all of his/hers scientific publications and communications. The deposit of full text is also mandatory for scientific articles published since 2002. The internal evaluation at ULiège will only take into account publications deposited in ORBi. More than a repository, ORBi has become a tool to develop and inform on the concept of Open Science and Open access by allowing researchers to be part of the movement and to actively participate in the diffusion of their own production. By demanding authors to check by themselves the publisher’s policies and author’s copyright, ORBi has contributed to raise awareness on the unfair practices of big publishers. It has also demonstrated the need to rebalance a publication model that is no longer affordable by those who produce the main information. Additional tools developed by the ORBi team (statistics, request-a- print system, automated publications list) also help to give substance to the many benefices of open access (increase of citations, visibility, contacts and connections).
Disciplines :
Library & information sciences
Author, co-author :
Chalono, Dominique ;  Université de Liège > Réseau des Bibliothèques : Direction générale
Other collaborator :
Thirion, Paul  ;  Université de Liège > Réseau des Bibliothèques : Direction générale
Language :
Title :
ORBi : an institutional repository to promote Open Access
Alternative titles :
[fr] ORBi : un répertoire institutionnel pour promouvoir l'Open Access
Publication date :
09 August 2017
Event name :
World Humanities Conference 2017 - Humanities and knowledge as a public good
Event organizer :
CLACSO - Dominique Babini
Event place :
Liège, Belgium
Event date :
6-12 august 2017
By request :
Audience :
Available on ORBi :
since 10 August 2017


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801 (103 by ULiège)
Number of downloads
258 (19 by ULiège)


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