Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
High School Sport in Belgium (Wallonia)
Cloes, Marc
201711th ICCE Global Coach Conference


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Keywords :
School Sport; Coaching; Physical education
Abstract :
[fr] In Belgium, since 1969, sport is a competence under the control of public authorities defined according to the linguistic regime. As in most Western European countries, sport has been compartmentalised by giving rise to three main types of practice: "professional", "traditional" and "alternative" sports (Diegel, 1995). Clubs linked to sports federations constitute the local setting up of the sports organization, which is largely a majority (Zintz, 2014). Other operators from the public domain and the private sphere coexist (Cloes, 2012). In the school environment, sport can be found in three contexts: within the compulsory curriculum (physical education), integrated to extracurricular activities (activities organized during recess or free periods), and peripheral activities (use of school sports facilities by organizers who are not belonging to the school actors). If inter-school competitions are organized by several school sports federations (depending to the educational network), they are far from reaching the interest and involvement reached by the competitions managed by the traditional sports federations. So there is hardly any systematic sports training in French-speaking Belgian schools. Some PE teachers propose voluntary training sessions but there are less and less connections between their actions and sport clubs. On the other hand, young sportsmen appointed by the Minister of Sports have a special status enabling them to benefit facilities to pursue their double career. They are sometimes gathered in special organizations - sport-studies or development centers - which have been the subject of several studies (Cloes et al., 2002, Lacrosse et al., 2014, Theunissen et al., 2016) but PE teachers are very few involved in these development opportunities. In many situations of partnership between the school and sports structures, their role is often limited to a simple accompanying action (sports days, projects "My club-My school." Cloes (2017) insisted however on the need to make them a priority in the coordination of the preparation of physically educated citizens. References Cloes, M. (2012). La Wallonie en mouvement : vers une culture sportive et de l’activité physique ? In, M. Germain et R. Robaye (Eds.), L'état de la Wallonie. Portrait d'un pays et de ses habitants – 2011. (pp. 70-80). Namur : Les éditions namuroises. Available on Internet : http://hdl.handle.net/2268/117294 Cloes, M. (2017). Preparing physically educated citizens in physical education. Expectations and practices. Retos, 31, 245-251. Available on Internet : http://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/retos/article/view/53497/32304 Cloes, M., Schelings, V., Ledent, M, & Piéron, M. (2002). Sport-études : comparaison des caractéristiques motivationnelles et des relations sociales des élèves sportifs et de leurs condisciples. eJRIEPS (e Journal de la Recherche sur l'Intervention en Éducation Physique et Sport), 1, 57-72. Available on Internet: http://hdl.handle.net/2268/10187 Diegel, H. (1995). Sport in changing society – Sociological essays. Schorndorf: Verlag Karl Haufmann. Lacrosse, Z., Martin, V., & Cloes, M. (2014, July). Analyse qualitative du fonctionnement du centre de formation d’une fédération sportive. Paper presented at the 8ème biennale de l’ARIS ‘Temps, temporalités et intervention en EPS et en sport’, Genève, Suisse. Available on Internet: http://hdl.handle.net/2268/170020 Theunissen, C., Meys, G., & Cloes, M. (2016). Encadrement du staff autour du double projet des sportifs dans un centre de formation en handball. Revue de l’Éducation physique, 56, 1/2, 20. Disponible sur Internet: http://yessport.be/educationphysique/file/REVUE_1_ET_2_2016_-2eme_COLLOQUE_GUY_NAMUROIS.pdf ou http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/handle/2268/199016 Zintz, T. (2014). Module 3 - Le paysage sportif : du pratiquant aux fédérations. Thématique 1 - Cadre institutionnel et législatif. Cours généraux de la formation ‘Moniteur Sportif Initiateur’. Brussels, Belgium : Administration des sports, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. Internet : http://www.sport.cfwb.be/index.php?id=7370
Disciplines :
Education & instruction
Author, co-author :
Cloes, Marc  ;  Université de Liège > Département des sciences de la motricité > Intervention et gestion en activités physiques et sportives
Language :
Title :
High School Sport in Belgium (Wallonia)
Publication date :
31 July 2017
Event name :
11th ICCE Global Coach Conference
Event organizer :
International Council for Coaching Excellence
Event place :
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Event date :
July31-August 2 2017
By request :
Audience :
Available on ORBi :
since 29 July 2017


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