[en] We illustrate a case of a giant primary intraosseous meningiomas (PIMs) with optic nerve compression treated by partial resection.
A 48-year-old female presented with visual disturbances exophthalmus, diplopia and eye pain due to optic nerve compression.
The patient had a past history of fibrous dysplasia treated surgically with partial resection by ENT in 2010. Histology confirmed
the diagnosis. Two years later she presented with further decrease in visual acuity and diffuse hyperostosis. In this context she
underwent a neurosurgical procedure consisting in craniotomy and further partial resection of the lesion including optic canal
decompression. The second pathological examination demonstrated an extensive meningioma (WHO grade I) of the skull base.
We recommend that in cases of diffuse hyperostosis the differential diagnosis include diffuse intraosseous meningioma. If
complete surgical resection is not achievable, a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis is recommended. Treatment options include
complete or partial resection followed by adjuvant radiotherapy.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Huscher, Karen; Hôpital Cantonal de St Gall > Neurochirurgie > Interne
Öhlschlegel, Christian; Hôpital Cantonal de St Gall > Pathologie > Médecin chef adjoint