[en] Procrastination is a widespread phenomenon described as the quintessence of self-regulatory failure. The aim of the present study was to explore the role of inhibition capacities (prepotent response inhibition and resistance to proactive interference), negative affect, and gender in this self-regulatory failure. One hundred thirteen partici- pants completed two tasks assessing prepotent response inhibition and resistance to proactive interference, as well as questionnaires measuring procrastination and trait negative affect. Three profiles of inhibitors were iden- tified through cluster analysis: the first had good capacities in both prepotent response inhibition and resistance to proactive interference, the second had good capacities in resisting proactive interference but lower capacities in inhibiting prepotent response, and the third had good capacities in inhibiting prepotent response but lower capacities in resisting proactive interference. Procrastination was higher in this last cluster, but only under par- ticular conditions (relatively higher level of negative affect) and in some participants (women). These results shed new light on the role of inhibition-related functions, negative affect, and gender in procrastination.
Disciplines :
Theoretical & cognitive psychology
Author, co-author :
Rebetez, Marie; Université de Genève - UNIGE > Centre Interfacultaire en Sciences Affectives > Unité de Psychopathologie et de Neuropsychologie Cognitive
Rochat, Lucien; Université de Genève - UNIGE > Centre Interfacultaire en Sciences Affectives > Unité de Psychopathologie et de Neuropsychologie Cognitive
Barsics, Catherine ; Université de Liège > Centre Interfacultaire en Sciences Affectives > Unité de Psychopathologie et de Neuropsychologie Cognitive
Van der Linden, Martial ; Université de Liège > Département de Psychologie > Département de Psychologie
Language :
Title :
Procrastination as a self-regulation failure: The role of inhibition, negative affect, and gender.
Publication date :
Journal title :
Personality and Individual Differences
Publisher :
Special issue title :
Personality and Individual Differences, 101, 435–439. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.06.049
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