Towards a chromatographic similarity index to establish localised Quantitative Structure-Retention Relationships for retention prediction. II Use of Tanimoto similarity index in ion chromatography
Park, S. H.; Australian Centre for Research on Separation Science (ACROSS), School of Physical Sciences-Chemistry, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 75, Hobart, 7001, Australia
Talebi, M.; Australian Centre for Research on Separation Science (ACROSS), School of Physical Sciences-Chemistry, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 75, Hobart, 7001, Australia
Amos, R. I. J.; Australian Centre for Research on Separation Science (ACROSS), School of Physical Sciences-Chemistry, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 75, Hobart, 7001, Australia
Tyteca, Eva ; Université de Liège > Agronomie, Bio-ingénierie et Chimie (AgroBioChem) > Analyse, qual. et risques - Labo. de Chimie analytique
Haddad, P. R.; Australian Centre for Research on Separation Science (ACROSS), School of Physical Sciences-Chemistry, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 75, Hobart, 7001, Australia
Szucs, R.; Pfizer Global Research and Development, Sandwich, UK
Pohl, C. A.; Thermo Fisher Scientific, Sunnyvale, CA, USA
Dolan, J. W.; LC Resources Inc., 1795 NW Wallace Rd., McMinnville, OR, 97128, USA
Title :
Towards a chromatographic similarity index to establish localised Quantitative Structure-Retention Relationships for retention prediction. II Use of Tanimoto similarity index in ion chromatography
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