[en] We report for the first time transient isolated auroral spots at Saturn's southern polar region, based on Hubble Space Telescope (HST) FUV images. The spots last several minutes and appear distinct from the rest of the auroral emissions. We study two sets of HST and Cassini observations during which Cassini instrumentation detected signatures of energetic particle injections close to the region where, on the same day, HST observed transient auroral spots. On the basis of the simultaneous remote and in situ observations, we discuss the possibility that the transient features are associated with the dynamical processes taking place in the Kronian magnetosphere. Given the limitations in the available observations, we suggest the following possible explanations for the transient aurora. The injection region could directly be coupled to Saturn's ionosphere by pitch angle diffusion and electron scattering by whistler waves, or by the electric current flowing along the boundary of the injected cloud. The energy contained in the injection region indicates that electron scattering could account for the transient aurora process.
Disciplines :
Space science, astronomy & astrophysics
Author, co-author :
Radioti, Aikaterini ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'astrophys., géophysique et océanographie (AGO) > Labo de physique atmosphérique et planétaire (LPAP)
Grodent, Denis ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'astrophys., géophysique et océanographie (AGO) > Labo de physique atmosphérique et planétaire (LPAP)
Gérard, Jean-Claude ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'astrophys., géophysique et océanographie (AGO) > Labo de physique atmosphérique et planétaire (LPAP)
Bonfond, Bertrand ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'astrophys., géophysique et océanographie (AGO) > Labo de physique atmosphérique et planétaire (LPAP)
Mitchell, D. G.; Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, Maryland, USA
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