Abstract :
[en] The notion of Landscape Observatory (ELC 2000), in the work of LabVTP at the Faculty of Architecture in the University of Liège (Wallonia-BE), has been linked with the concept of Landscape Laboratory (R. Gustavsson) in order to enhance and underline perceptive, experiential and active dimensions of sites, responding to the Universities’ missions required by the ELC: education and sensitization. Lab Pay(s)age, as a new typology of landscape laboratory, has developed methodological tools for landscape research, based on a multi-scale and diachronic reading of the territory, where natural and artificial traces are the complementary elements to be reinterpreted and relaunched in new participative scenarios.
The Meuse valley, reshaped by deep transformations, is the main topic for researches, concerning specific morphological, typological and social characters. All along the river, the scars of industries mark the territory as a land in search of new cycle of life1.
The regeneration of abandoned industrial sites, as a practice of territorial recycle, is part of sustainability policies in urban planning, based on the enhancement of local resources. The Observatory Lab Pay(s)age, is intended as a structure for site-specific study and continuous fieldwork, concerning both the evolutionary processes of natural structures and the involution of built environment. Starting from these materials, many different regeneration methodologies and temporalities have been imagined. Following the logic promoted by the ELC, the work has started by monitoring some specific areas and by contacting different local representatives with the aim of collecting data and experiences to construct a shared knowledge of the places.
Then the project has become an on-going tool including all phases in the regeneration process: observation, analysis, interpretation and re-launch of new hypothesis are fundamental elements to increase the public knowledge about the cultural factors characterizing the landscape discipline. Thus, the notion of « observatory » is a strategic device, monitoring the evolution of places in time through actions of dialogue and awareness raising, in order to get citizens re-acquire a consciousness of their territory. The collected qualitative data, describe the peculiar features of the sites, based on the local actors experience and knowledge. These elements are the basis for new scenarios, used as progressive steps leading the recovery process. For this reason, the « observatory » is also a « laboratory », as the experimental projects accompany the transformation of the places through intermediate phases. Understanding and accepting mutability as a character of landscape is a preliminary step towards a co-action, where the project accords with natural dynamics. Lab Pay(s)age, according to the ELC principles, is using the earliest local answers as re-launch factors for consecutive projects, taking into account the territorial temporalities as priority in transformation process.
The presentation concerns the ongoing projects and obtained reactions, such as the earliest re-naturalization programs, some selected sites for monitoring activities and Phd researches on new regeneration methods using vegetation as an active element in reclamation of industrial sites.
1 Occhiuto, R. 2016. Healing the scars of industry in Liège, in Scape n.15, 2016