[en] Fundamental motor patterns are prerequisites to specific motor/sports skills and a determinant of the involvement in physical activity. Several tools have been developed in order to measure motor development in children. Each test battery presents its own characteristics. MOBAK-1 focuses on two categories of basic motor competencies in order to record the effects of physical education (PE) at the elementary school level. That tool proposed 8 tests. For each of them, pupils receive point scores (0–2 points) according to the quality of their performance. MOBAK-1 is supposed to be used by PE teachers but there is still a lack of data about this, justifying the present study.
We trained 7 PE teachers (4 males) and analysed the way they implemented the tests in their classes (1st and 2d grades – 6-8 year-old pupils). The training comprised a description of the tests with video examples of the expected movements and common errors, and an analysis of the reliability of the teachers evaluating pupils’ performances showed on video (at least 10 trials). A participating observation and a short interview were planned to analyse the evaluation process of each PE teacher.
Catching and Rolling reached the reliability requirements within the first 10 trials while 15 to 16 videos were necessary for the six other tests. Two teachers seemed to have more difficulties that could be related to their lack of experience (P1) or a potential lower interest (P7). Before implementing the test with their classes, all teachers read again the guidelines. The majority was really satisfied by the information provided by the researchers (3.86/4) and confident about how to manage the evaluation (3.57/4). Five teachers worked alone and 4 were able to evaluate one class/lesson. All teachers developed specific strategies in order to save time. Several practical recommendations have been proposed.
Disciplines :
Education & instruction
Author, co-author :
Cloes, Marc ; Université de Liège > Département des sciences de la motricité > Intervention et gestion en activités physiques et sportives
Mouton, Alexandre ; Université de Liège > Centre interfacultaire de formation des enseignants (CIFEN)
Jidovtseff, Boris ; Université de Liège > Département des sciences de la motricité > Déterm. perf. & asp. gén.et spéc.de l'entr.y comp.de ht niv.
Vandermeeren, Benjamin; University of Liege > Sport and Rehabilitation Sciences
Language :
Title :
Involvement of PE teachers in motor testing. A pilot study with the MOBAK-1