Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Production pastorale et laitière au niveau d’un élevage extensif au nord du Maroc
Chebli, Youssef; El Otmani, Samira; Hilal, Btissamet al.
2016 • In Napoléone, M.; Ben Salem, H.; Boutonnet, J. al. (Eds.) The value chains of Mediterranean sheep and goat products. Organisation of the industry, marketing strategies, feeding and production systems
Nord Maroc; Parcous; Caprin; Biomass; Production laitière; Qualité du lait
Abstract :
[en] In Northern Morocco, silvopastoral area was a free fodder resource that contributes to regular feeding of goat. The study was conducted in extensive farming of dairy goat (Bouzahri pasture). The objective is to estimate a pastoral contribution of pasture and its effect on production and milk quality. Biomass, floristic diversity and nutritional value were determined. A total of seventy pastoral species were recorded. The biomass production is estimated to 4963 kg DM/ha, composed of 89% by Calicotome villosa, Cistus crispus, Erica arborea, Inula viscosa, Lavandula stoechas, Olea europea and Pistacia lentiscus. Calicotome villosa has the highest energy and protein (PDI) levels with 0.62 UFL/kg DM, 0.52 UFV/kg DM and 52 g/kg DM of protein. The forage supply is estimated to 2250 FU/ha of energy and 72.6 kg/ha of PDIN, is evaluated at 450 euro/ha. In extensive farming, milk production is estimated to 55 kg/lactation/goat against 51 kg/lactation/goat in intensive farming (control). Goats feeding on pasture allows to reduce alimentary charge and better milk production that
remains low qualitatively. Supplementation, to improve quality of milk products, is necessary.