Article (Scientific journals)
Les soins en hôpital de jour : du trou de serrure au jeu de clés…
REUTER, Benjamin; TIBERGHIEN, Céline; Triffaux, Jean-Marc
2016In Revue des Hôpitaux de Jour Psychiatriques et des Thérapies Institutionnelles, 18, p. 53-58
Peer reviewed


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Keywords :
Hôpital de jour; thérapie institutionnelle; symbolisation
Abstract :
[en] During a new period of disruption with the hospital-tradition of psychiatric care, the specificity and originality of the Day Hospital remains to be defined. The metaphoric dimension of the therapeutic “passe-partout”, could be appliqued to hospitals which are to this day, part of institutional therapy story: The care teams have effectively replaced the walls to accommodate the most complex mental diseases. Several therapeutic “keys” are well produced and co-constructed with the fundamental goal of allowing the patient to (re) gain freedom-bridges lost under the weight of his psychopathology. Even though in 40 years the Day Hospital continues to evolve and reinvent, it interestingly gets through crises. This ability to overcome crises is seen in the deinstitutionalization crisis where it was handled with stability due to its originality. Stability does not mean stagnation: the daily questioning of the therapeutic work group leads us… Thanks to this article, we will specifically highlight the therapeutic effect observed across the different support models to the Day Hospital.
Disciplines :
Treatment & clinical psychology
Author, co-author :
REUTER, Benjamin ;  Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > Service de psychiatrie infanto-juvénile
Triffaux, Jean-Marc  ;  Université de Liège > Département des sciences cliniques > Psychologie médicale
Language :
Title :
Les soins en hôpital de jour : du trou de serrure au jeu de clés…
Publication date :
October 2016
Journal title :
Revue des Hôpitaux de Jour Psychiatriques et des Thérapies Institutionnelles
Publisher :
Groupement des hôpitaux de jour psychiatrique, Saint-Lô, France
Volume :
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Available on ORBi :
since 25 November 2016


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