[en] The aim of this research was to study the potential
for selection of cows with a higher nutritional quality
of milk fat by studying the differences in fatty acid
profiles within and across the following breeds: Dual
Purpose Belgian Blue, Holstein-Friesian, Jersey, Montbeliarde,
and non-Holstein Meuse-Rhine-Yssel type
Red and White. Six hundred milk samples from 275
animals were taken from 7 herds. Several types of fatty
acids in milk and milk fat were quantified using midinfrared
spectrometry and previously obtained calibration
equations. Statistical analyses were made using a
mixed linear model with a random animal effect. The
variance components were estimated by using REML.
Results showed breed differences for the fatty acid profile.
The repeatability estimate obtained in the present
study may suggest the existence of moderate additive
genetic variance for the fatty acid profile within each
breed. Results also indicated variation for each analyzed
milk component in the whole cow population studied.
Genetic improvement of the nutritional quality of
milk fat based on fatty acid profiles might be possible,
and further research and development are warranted.
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