[en] Background
The distinction of dermatophytes strains by conventional methods is problematic due to a lack of reliable characteristics between isolates. The ability to identify individual organisms allows identification of infection sources, such as communal swimming and public washing rooms and apply appropriate control measures. Several outbreaks of dermatophytes infection have already been described in Europe and the feasibility of comparing DNA fingerprints is of interest in this particular field. We have successfully applied the rep-PCR method for typing dermatophytes species such as Microsporum audouinii, Trichophyton violaceum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes complex (T.mentagrophytes complex).
The Diversilab® system (bioMérieux, France) has been used to perform rep-PCR. Strains of M. audouinii (116) and T. violaceum (23) were collected during a national survey conducted by the National Reference center (NRC) for mycoses (Liège) in Belgium from February 2013 to March 2014. Strains of T. mentagrophytes complex (32) are part of the national collection of the NRC collected between 2012 and 2015.
The Diversilab® is able to distinguish different subspecies between the same species complex as it was confirmed with the T. mentagrophytes complex. For this group of strains, two major groups are clearly visible after Diversilab analysis and correspond to white strains (ITS sequenced as T. interdigitale) and yellow strains (ITS sequenced as A. benhamiae) of T. mentagrophytes complex. Both groups share only 70% of similarity. Within a same species of dermatophyte, the Rep-PCR is also able to define several subgroups sometimes linked with epidemiological factors. Inside the T. violaceum strains circulating in Belgium, two different DNA fingerprints have been found. These two subgroups were well separated regarding the geographical location in Belgium (Wallonia and Flanders). Inside the M. audouinii species, 6 different DNA fingerprints have been detected with a main group. The degree of similarity between these six groups is comprised between 85,6% and 94%. Strains belonging to the six groups were defined as M. audouinii by ITS sequencing.
The DiversiLab® system with the Rep-PCR technology proved to be an efficient method for dermatophytes molecular typing. It is highly sensitive to discriminate small genotypic variation between two strains within the same species which is not possible with other molecular methods such as ITS sequencing. Inside the T. mentagrophytes complex, it permits to easily distinguish the yellow zoophilic strains from the white anthropophilic strain, hardly possible by microscopy.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
SACHELI, Rosalie ; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > Service de microbiologie clinique
ADJETEY BAHUN, Akolé ; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > Service de microbiologie clinique
DARFOUF, Rajae ; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > Service de microbiologie clinique
HAYETTE, Marie-Pierre ; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > Service de microbiologie clinique
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Title :
Application of rep-PCR as molecular typing method for dermatophytes