[en] The aim of this study is to evaluate the body and testicular growth
performances in Ouled Djellal rams from weaning until twelve months of age.
It also contributes to the study of the onset of puberty in Ouled Djellal rams
and to follow the subsequent evolution of their semen production. Weekly
measurements of body weight, chest perimeter, scrotal circumference,
testicular length and diameter, as well as the cauda-epididymis diameter of
the gonads were conducted in ten rams, from weaning and until the onset
of puberty. Semen collection was also performed in the same manner with
an electroejaculator in order to define puberty. After the onset of puberty,
observations were made fortnightly on body weight, chest perimeter, testis
morphometry and the evolution of semen characteristics.
Puberty settled at an average age of 228± 7 days with an average weight
of 40.4 ± 1.2 kg. Highly significant correlations were observed between
testicular measurements and those of the body. Similar significant
correlations were also observed between testicular measurements (especially
scrotal circumference) and semen characteristics after puberty.
Disciplines :
Animal production & animal husbandry
Author, co-author :
Boussena, Sabrina; Laboratoire de Gestion de la Santé et Productions Animales, Institut des Sciences Vétérinaires, Université des Frères Mentouri, Constantine, ALGERIE
Bouaziz, O.; Laboratoire de Gestion de la Santé et Productions Animales, Institut des Sciences Vétérinaires, Université des Frères Mentouri, Constantine, ALGERIE
Hireche, S.; Laboratoire de Gestion de la Santé et Productions Animales, Institut des Sciences Vétérinaires, Université des Frères Mentouri, Constantine, ALGERIE
Derqaoui, L.; Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, BP 6202, Rabat Instituts, 10101, MAROC.
Dib, A.L.; Laboratoire de Gestion de la Santé et Productions Animales, Institut des Sciences Vétérinaires, Université des Frères Mentouri, Constantine, ALGERIE
Moula, Nassim ; Université de Liège > Scientifiques attachés au Doyen (F MV)
Language :
Title :
Apparition de la puberté chez les agneaux mâles de race Ouled Djellal
Alternative titles :
[en] Onset of puberty in Ouled Djellal rams
Publication date :
October 2016
Journal title :
Revue de Médecine Vétérinaire
Publisher :
Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire Toulouse, Toulouse, France
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